In December, Capcom announced that their next iteration of the popular crossover Marvel vs Capcom fighting series would come out this year: Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite. It will be released on PlayStation 4 and PC. The other big announcement was that the most recent release in the series, which came out way back in November 2011, would also see a PC release this year. The wait is almost over: Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 will release for PC on March 7, 2017.
The Marvel vs Capcom series differs quite a bit from the Street Fighter series, Capcom’s other flagship fighter. Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 brings together characters from Marvel comics and from a variety of different Capcom properties (including a few, like Ryu, from the Street Fighter series). In UMvC3, players each chose three characters and battled in one against one, tag matches. It appears Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite will scale that back to two characters per side. The triple-digit combos and outrageous special moves will no doubt be making a return.
The PC was long a wasteland for fighting games but has started to receive just as much attention as its console brethren in recent years. Cross-platform play and the accessibility of gaming computers have probably had a lot to do with the increase in availability.
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 will release for PC on March 7, 2017. You can check out the trailer for the version that was updated and released on PlayStation 4 last month. If you would rather wait for the next iteration, Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite is expected to release for PS4,
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Think you’ll pick up the new version of UMvC3 for PC? Or are you going to wait for the next version to come out later this year? Let us know in the comments below.