While some people have already gotten their hands on the game early, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End will have not just one day-one patch, but two. For those getting the game tonight at midnight or tomorrow, expect to spend some time downloading the patches before you are able to play multiplayer.
Even though there are two patches for Uncharted 4, the second one is the smallest. Patch 1.01 will clock in at 5 GB while Patch 1.02 will come in at 140 MB.

The improvements in Patch 1.01 include:
*Multiplayer support
*Singleplayer “Encounter Select” menu
*Bonus feature: Photo Mode
*Bonus feature: Character Model Viewer
*Bonus feature: Render Modes
*Bonus feature: Gameplay Modes
*Bonus feature: Singleplayer Character Skins
*Bonus feature: Weapon Selector
*Bonus feature: Journal Viewer
*Bonus feature: Concept Art Galleries
*General fixes and improvements.
The reason why Patch 1.01 is so big is to implement those bonus features. Patch 1.02, on the other hand, will only come with some more general fixes and improvements.

Some people might complain about day one patches, but they are not uncommon with every big release. As in the case of Uncharted 4, the patch is really just to implement more features that might not have been able to fit on the disk. The game itself is 44.2 GB.
Add that sometimes developers might have missed something in the final test to get the game out on the disk to market. Already some people weren’t happy with them pushing back Uncharted 4 numerous times, but it is better to play a game that actually works than is broken.
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End release tomorrow, May 10. Some stores are holding a midnight release. Being the final entry in the franchise by Naughty Dog, expect it to sell pretty well. Check back here on The Nerd Stash for our review in the near future!