Vin Diesel has announced the production of two new properties in the Riddick universe: a fourth film known as Furia, which will be a direct sequel to 2013’s Riddick, as well as a new television show to be named Merc City.
Vin Diesel made this announcement by way of an Instagram post.
In it he stated that his company, One Race Films, would be working on the film alongside director David Twohy, who is to begin production on the first draft of the film’s script next month. If the film’s title is at all indicative of some of the things we can expect to see in it, then Furia is likely to put to rest many of the lingering questions found throughout the various Riddick properties.

At the same time Merc City, which Vin Diesel’s company is also handling, is likely to bring about even more questions based on all the parts of the franchise that have remained largely unexplored to this point. The series will focus on mercenaries and bounty hunters residing in the Riddick space-time.
This is exciting news for series fans, especially after the most recent film, Riddick, which was considered by many to be sub-par. Hopefully, these next two entries in the series can help to revivify our fascination with Vin Diesel’s rogue space dwelling alternate persona.