Now that it’s less than two months from the Electronic Entertainment Expo (or E3), the news and rumors are starting to heat up. But this report could be more news than rumor thanks to a slight hint from the LinkedIn profile of Julien Risse, who works for Ubisoft.

On his CV as senior gameplay programmer, he lists Watch Dogs, then Bad Blood (DLC for WD), and then he listed Watch Dogs 2. The CV has since been corrected and Watch Dogs 2 removed, but you can still see a snapshot of the profile from, who originally discovered the news.
When the original Watch Dogs was announced, people were thrilled at the prospects of traveling throughout the city using their abilities to hack and use electronic means to complete missions and take down thugs. The game got an 80/100 overall on Metacritic, but the user reviews are a lot less favorable, with a rating of 6.2 based on 2,500+ people. Still, the game sold more than well, receiving praise for being the best selling new IP during its launch week with 4 million copies sold. So a sequel announcement wouldn’t be surprising.

In fact last year Ubisoft’s CEO spoke on the potential of a sequel, mentioning that they might not return to the shoes of Aiden Pearce, the protagonist of Watch Dogs, but instead would look to diversify its cast of characters. Ubisoft has often come under scrutiny for its lack of female-focus characters in its games.
So far no official announcement has been made on the status of Watch Dogs 2, but with E3 right around the corner, we should have an idea whether it’s actually happening.
Did you enjoy Watch Dogs or did it fall short for you? Does a sequel excite you, one without the angry, gruff voice of original protagonist Aiden Pearce? Let us know in the comments.