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Honkai Star Rail has numerous stats in the game, with different stats important for each character. However, there’s one stat in the game that you’ll need to manage for all of your characters, Speed. In this game, Speed is a metric that determines how “fast” your units are, and as a result, determines the turn order of your characters and even how frequently they can attack in a given cycle. Therefore, the playerbase utilizes Speed Breakpoints to build their characters. Here are what Speed Breakpoints are in Honkai Star Rail.
Speed Breakpoints in Honkai Star Rail

In short, there are important Speed “Breakpoints” for characters to hit in Honkai Star Rail. Every character, depending on whether they’re a DPS character, Harmony character, or healer, should strive to reach a certain Speed stat whenever possible. This is because these Speed Breakpoints will determine the turn order of your team in a given cycle, and even how many times they can attack.
This is important in endgame content where “cycles” are counted. When challenging the Memory of Chaos or Pure Fiction modes, you’ll notice a number on your turn order on the left side of the screen. This represents how many “cycles” you have left until the battle ends. To earn the highest rewards in these game modes, generally, you want to clear each challenge in as few cycles as possible.
Generally, these are important Speed Breakpoints that you should aim to hit when possible:
- 120
- 121
- 135
- 145
- 160
There’s a lot of math going into Speed Breakpoints, but generally, you can think of it like this: higher speed equals more actions your characters can take, spread out over different cycles. For instance, hitting 134 Speed will net you bonus actions on certain cycles, while hitting 160 Speed will net you bonus actions on more cycles.
Certain relics also need specific Speed values to activate set effects. For example, the Firmament Frontline: Glamoth relic requires at least 135 Speed to activate its 12% damage buff, while 160 Speed characters can earn 18% more damage.
How To Speed Tune Your Speed Breakpoints in Honkai Star Rail

Reaching Speed Breakpoints and “Speed Tuning” can be difficult due to the wildly variable nature of relics in Honkai Star Rail. There are ways to manipulate your team’s Speed through alternate methods, such as using characters like Asta or Hanya, who can skyrocket your team’s Speed to certain thresholds. Asta, in particular, can help your team reach upwards of 200 Speed, granting an insane amount of actions.
Certain relics in the game also grant Speed buffs to your characters. Set effects for Relics, like the Messenger Traversing Hackerspace, increase your team’s Speed by 12% after using an Ultimate on an ally. As a result, the Speed you get through relics can be augmented in various ways.
Certain characters should aim to reach different Speed thresholds. Consider your characters and how their kit functions to minimize your turn order. For example, consider Bronya, who has a 100% Action Advance, giving your DPS character an extra action. If your Bronya is 1 Speed below your DPS, your DPS will act before Bronya and then gain an extra turn as Bronya’s Action Advance kicks in.
Meanwhile, you might even want some characters to be slower. Luocha, for example, activates a healing field that disappears as he makes more moves. Therefore, by having Luocha move less, you can keep his healing field on longer. (You shouldn’t aim for too low, however.) Different characters require Speed breakpoints, so we recommend checking out character guides for more information.