No two units are created equally in Toilet Tower Defense, not just in terms of rarity or damage, but purpose too. Even basic units with single target damage can clear waves relatively easily if you place them in the right spots and keep up with upgrades. While single-target units do have their place, they suffer when you’re dealing with large groups. That’s what AoE units are for, but Toilet Tower Defense doesn’t exactly explain what AoE means.
What AoE Means in Toilet Tower Defense?
AoE is simply an acronym for “area of effect.” In Toilet Tower Defense, it refers to a type of unit and how it deals damage to skibidi toilets. I mentioned single-target units earlier, which are units that damage one target at a time; AoE units deal damage in an area, hitting multiple targets at once.
Single-target units are great for taking out bosses and weak units. However, they can be easily overwhelmed with large waves, especially waves of strong units like the Small Scientist Toilet. To help alleviate the problem, you want to place AoE towers to mop up big groups.

Some notable AoE units you should look out for in Toilet Tower Defense are:
- Speaker Helicopter
- Monster Speakerman
- Turkey Speakerman
- Large Turkey Speakerman
- Speaker Spider
- TV Man
- Large TV Man
- Titan TV Man
- Titan Cinemaman
- Spider TV
- TV Woman
- Upgraded Titan Cinemaman
If you’re new to the game, I suggest getting your hands on a Speaker Helicopter first. It’s only a rare unit, so you shouldn’t have a problem trading for one at the Trading Plaza. It’s also rather cheap to place and upgrade, costing just $150 to start.
With that said, the one mistake you want to avoid is placing too many AoE towers in Toilet Tower Defense. The better strategy is to mix and match, preferably if the accompanying towers are single-target and slow, like the Chef TV Man.