We all know at this point that whether you play the vanilla or modded version of The Sims 4, there are always fun challenges to do, such as the Disney Princess. While at first, it sounds magical, it is actually difficult and requires you to plan a lot of things ahead of time before you even attempt to make your fairy tale in the game. With ten generations to create and several characters to handle, you’ll be spending a lot of time before you reach your happily ever after.
How To Start the Disney Princess Challenge in The Sims 4

The challenge consists of raising ten generations based on different Disney Princesses. There are ten, and it works like a legacy challenge, which means you need to see them succeed before you jump to another one. Here are the rules for each of ten princesses and generations:
Princess/Generation | Rules | Goals |
Snow White | Must have 7 children. All children must have a negative trait and the same father. The Princess can’t answer the door to strangers or older women. | Get each child to achieve a grade A in school and complete their aspiration. |
Cinderella | One of Snow White’s children must grow to become Cinderella. Cinderella must have the Foodie and Neat traits. | Must clean and cook for everyone in the house. Can only marry after her mother dies and can have a maximum of three children. |
Tiana | Father must die before Tiana reaches Young Adult. Tiana must have the ambitious trait. Must marry a Sim with a green trait. | Must complete the food aspiration. If you own Dine Out, Tiana must own a restaurant. |
Aurora | The lazy trait is a must for Aurora. A maximum of five friends. Can only meet up with their partner at night by sneaking out. | Must have two children, and both of them should be girls for the next challenge. |
Anna | Can’t talk to her sister until reaching Young Adult. Anna should have a near-death experience at the hands of her partner. A criminal works best for this. | Fall for a criminal. Befriend your sister. Marry someone new and have one child. |
Rapunzel | Loner and Art Lover traits. Can only go from her school to her home. No friends until married. | Reach level 8 in Painting before becoming a Young Adult. Have children, no minimum or maximum number. |
Belle | Bookworm trait. | Date five men. Marry an ugly sim. Have one child. |
Mulan | Active trait. Become an Astronaut. | Get together with someone after maxing out her career. Have one child. |
Jasmine | Must have a best friend named Raja. You can make it a pet if you have the required expansion. She can only leave the house if it’s for going to the school. | Marry a poor and criminal sim. Have four children. Abandon your wealth. |
Merida | Self-assured trait. Lose mother and siblings in an accident. Can’t marry or have children. | Congratulations, you’ve reached the end! |
As you can see, the Disney Princess challenge in The Sims 4 is a bit hectic and pretty difficult if you don’t plan ahead of time. You must ensure the survival of your Sims and have the right children to carry your legacy for the next princess. However, we think it is one of the most fun ones and one that’ll let you spend a lot of hours in the game.
If you want to see this challenge in action, we recommend the following playlist from Emma Nicole, who has many of the generations in the game and provides some great tips to achieve them.