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Dragon’s Dogma 2 has plenty going for it, from the fun character creator to the immersive story and world-building. To make things even better, the combat is exciting. But some enemies can easily get the best of you. So, you’ll want to level up as fast as possible because once you reach the max level in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you’re unstoppable. It helps to learn the exact level cap so you know how far you have left to go.
Max Level Cap in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Dragon’s Dogma 2 has a level cap of 999. So, you have some grinding to do to reach the top, but it won’t feel like grinding as you’ll have too much fun. And it’s more than worth it. Leveling up offers automatic stat increases, so you can imagine how powerful your Dragon’s Dogma 2 character will be once they reach 999.
How To Level Up Fast in Dragon’s Dogma 2

You can do just about anything in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and gain XP, but if you want to reach max level fast, you’ll need to develop a farming method. A good method utilizes two things:
- Large groups of enemies
- Campfires
Battle Groups of Enemies
A swarm of bloodthirsty yet lower-ranked enemies might not seem like an ideal place to farm. However, they’re perfect if you want a quick path to the max level in Dragon’s Dogma 2. The more enemies you battle, the more XP you’ll gain. Compare taking on groups to fighting just one stronger foe. They give you about the same amount of experience, but groups can be easier. Just bring the right gear backed by the right skills, and you should take them down with little effort.
Utilizing Campfires
Campfires are a good way to cement your XP farm. If you’ve found a solid area with a great batch of enemies, defeat them all and head to a Campfire. There’s a strong possibility that after resting, the enemies will respawn, especially at night. Of course, it’s not 100% guaranteed, but it’s better than nothing. And we want every shortcut possible to reach the max level in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
Additional XP Tricks to Level Up Fast

Besides straight-up fights, you shouldn’t shy away from side quests. There are plenty of NPCs roaming the world. Listen to what they say and take up any side quest you can. They all reward XP, and it also mixes things up a bit, so you’ll never feel like you’re grinding toward that level cap.
Also, don’t forget your Pawns. For fighting, you’ll want them to help as much as possible to rip through enemy groups. So, consider bringing on ones with solid AOE. At the same time, they can also be useful by simply not being there. There’s an XP boost if you get rid of every Pawn with you. It’s because it’s meant to be harder to battle enemies without any help. But a well-prepared Arisen can take on anything, right?
And those are a few ways you can reach max level faster in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Though it still might take you quite some time, the push for Level 999 will be nothing short of entertaining.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 is available on PC, PS5, and