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Dress to Impress isn’t even a year old but is already among the most streamed and played Roblox games ever, with nearly 200,000 active players at any given time. You can’t scroll through sites like TikTok without coming across a fake CaseOh account streaming a playthrough. That’s right, not even the genuine account; a fake one.
With every update, more clothing and, in some cases, lore are added to the game. Now, if you’ve played the game before, you might ask yourself, “What lore could there possibly be in Dress to Impress?” For a few updates now, Dress to Impress has begun to slowly tug at the heartstrings of everyone who has ever read and loved the concept of CreepyPasta and, of course, fashion.
What Is Dress To Impress?

Players are expected to pick out and wear outfits following the selected theme in the game. They can play alone or in a Duo with a friend, scrambling to assemble something that even remotely looks like what was asked of. When finished, all contestants are to walk down the runway, posing and earning stars from their peers. Ultimately, the contestants are ranked according to who dressed the best.
It’s deceptively simple, but long-time players have amassed enough knowledge to turn themes into elaborate outfits and concepts. Countless outfits, skin tones, and hairstyles can be used to accomplish just about anything. After playing many rounds with my sister, I can guarantee that at least one player in every round will make your jaw drop with a design you didn’t even think was fathomable.
The Lore Behind Lana the Nail Lady

Now, to the lore. Although the game’s basic premise is to ‘Dress to Impress,’ things have slowly begun unfolding in the background. There is only one NPC in the game: Lana, the nail lady. That’s her name and occupation, going through thousands of players daily who need professionally done nails to match their outfits.
While she’s very clearly an NPC, the devs have decided to give her more of a presence as each update happens. In one update, she’s pictured with a hitlist of players who don’t appreciate the work she puts in every day. In another, a User ID can be found that leads to Lana’s “Roblox page,” which contains several experiences that lead to Lana being some sort of devil spawn. It’s all incredibly strange and unnecessary, and I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t absolutely eating it all up.
It’s no secret that game players are also eating it up, with all of the experiences on Lana’s account amassing over seven million total visits. Some fans have even taken the time to create videos such as the one above to completely explain what’s going on for those just joining the game; most of them because of this lore. The next time you open Dress to Impress, check out the locations featured in the video above to understand what everyone else is talking about.
The updates only get progressively more sinister, with easter eggs and messages about leaving more questions than answers. These have also led many to believe there will be an update exclusively about Lana’s uprising. Without being fans of this genre of game, I and thousands of other players are keeping a close eye on any information concerning the game just to see what more information we can uncover.
I can’t name any other Roblox experiences that are putting in the same effort as Dress to Impress, and I can only hope that others take inspiration in some way. Let’s see what the next updates bring us, Lana!