There are many important locations to know if you want to take proper care of your pets in Adopt Me, including the Farm Shop. Like Blox Fruits, Adopt Me gets frequent updates. One of them moved the entrance to this key location, hiding it. You must now find the secret entrance if you want to get access to the Farm Shop and everything it provides in this Roblox pet game, including Diamond Lavender. That’s essential if you want to start taming ladybugs. Here’s what you need to know about where the Farm Shop is in Adopt Me.
Adopt Me Farm Shop Location

Ever since the Farm Shop moved in Adopt Me, players have wondered where it is as often as they have about the value of turkeys. The answer is simple: it’s hidden inside Green Groceries. Most players are familiar with the location of the supermarket on the backside of Adoption Island. If you’re not, you can find it between the Hot Springs and the Camping Grounds. At the back of the store, you’ll find a collection of refrigerators containing food and beverages. The final fridge in the row, however, is special: it contains the entrance to the Farm Shop.
To enter the Farm Shop in Adopt Me, all you need to do is walk through the glowing blue portal in the back of the fridge. The game will then teleport you to the Farm Shop, and you can continue shopping. Here you’ll find Lily the ladybug merchant. She sells Diamond Lavender, which you’ll need to tame ladybugs, so be sure to stock up on it while you’re here. Keep in mind that traveling to Green Groceries can take a while, depending on what your starting point is. It’s a good idea to either use a vehicle or a ridable or flying pet to make the journey. Doing so will make getting to the Farm Shop in Adopt Me much quicker, so invest in Ride-A-Pet or Fly-A-Pet Potion.
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