Firecell Stone is one of many valuable materials used to make gears in Monster Hunter World. While mostly found in High Rank quests, you will still need it to craft Master Rank equipment. Fortunately, locating and getting them is pretty easy as long as you know which monster to hunt. Farming it should not be a hard effort as well, since completing specific quest types should reward you with the crafting material.
Monster Hunter World: Firecell Stone Locations

Firecell Stone can be obtained by defeating Uragaan in High Rank quests. For a higher drop rate, make sure you break its jaw before killing or capturing it and the material should appear as a bonus reward. Monster parts can be easily broken by Gunlance’s Shellings and Bowguns’s Sticky Ammo. Otherwise, you can also slot in the Partbreaker Armor Skill when using other weapons.
Apart from breaking Uragaan’s jaw, mining crystal nodes in Elder’s Recess and The Guiding Lands can sometimes yield Firecell Stone. Nevertheless, the drop rate for the Firecell Stone in those two Monster Hunter World hunting areas is pretty low. Sending a Tailraider Safari to Master Rank Elder’s Recess could reward you with the item as well.

You can also get Firecell Stone by clearing out Monster Hunter World quests. Below we have listed all quests that give Firecell Stone as a bonus completion reward. One particular Master Rank quest even has a guaranteed drop for the material. But if you really need to farm them, it’s better to run a High Rank Uragaan Investigations.
Obtained from collecting tracks and hunting specific monsters, Investigation quests hand out even more bonus rewards. Those are indicated by colored boxes, Bronze, Silver, and Gold, beside the quest list. Bronze gives you common drops, Silver for farming uncommon materials, and grab Investigations with lots of Gold boxes for rare items. Here is the drop rate of Firecell Stone for each Investigation bonus box in Monster Hunter World:
- Gold Box: 16%
- Silver Box: 13%
- Bronze Box: 5%
Quest Name | % Drop Rate |
★6 “A Meow for Help” | 7% |
★6 “A Scalding Scoop” | 7% |
★6 “Chef Quest! Gajalaka Lockdown” | 7% |
★7 “Bazelgeuse in the Field of Fire” | 5% |
★7 “Lavasioth, Monster of Magma” | 5% |
★7 “Ore-eating Occupier” | 5% |
★7 “Rock N’ Roll Recess” | 7% |
★7 “Ruler of the Azure Skies” | 5% |
★7 “USJ Blazing Azure Stars!” | 5% |
★9 “A Visitor from Eorzea” | 8% |
★9 “Banquet in the Earthen Hall” | 14% |
★9 “He Taketh It with His Eyes” | 8% |
★9 “The Fury of El Dorado” | 14% |
★9 “The Legendary Beast” | 8% |
★9 “The Name’s Lavasioth!” | 8% |
★9 “Tracking the Delivery” | 7% |
M★1 “Desert Desserts” | 11% |
M★2 “Looking For That Glimmer” | 100% |
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is available on PlayStation 4,