Whether you’re looking to upgrade your Legendary Bisento or are curious about those “loud tremors” across the sea, Greybeard is your answer in Roblox Blox Fruits. Funnily enough, this ruckus-making pirate does not even have a beard but a crescent-shaped stache. Whatever the case, you’ll need to find and defeat this Boss if you want V2 for your Bisento in Blox Fruits. Despite being a Level 750 enemy, Greybeard is located in the First Sea, so you should only take him on once you’ve leveled enough to brave the New World.
Where Is Greybeard in Blox Fruits? Answered
[Updated on April 25 – Added additional clarity on where the Boss location is and some insight about the ensuing fight.]

You can find Greybeard at the Marine Fortress, the island sitting directly north of the Marine Starter, north of Middle Town in Blox Fruits. However, there’s a catch: He only spawns every 6 hours and despawns after 15 minutes. Here are two indicators you can use to know if he’s around.
- The notice, “Loud tremors are being heard from across the seas,” will pop up on the screen, meaning he’s at the Fortress.
- If you travel to the Marine Fortress and get close enough to the island, the Boss’s HP bar will appear if he’s present. This is how I was able to know he had spawned after returning from the Second Sea.
A word of caution: You probably won’t be alone during your attempt to take down Greybeard in Roblox Blox Fruit. Whether it’s another seafarer trying to get Bisento V2 or some PvP-hungry ruffians looking for an unfair fight, you’d better be ready to deal with other players while battling this Boss. To be safe, what you could do is intentionally die after setting your Spawn Point at the Marine Fortress; this way, no other players will accidentally (or deliberately) kill during the Boss fight.

Even though I was under-leveled for this fight, my Buddha Fruit ensured I was tanky enough to take a few hits from Greybeard’s Quake attacks. One move I will definitely say to keep an eye out for is Dual Tsunami. Once you see walls of blue closing in on you, immediately start jumping because that attack can do a serious number to your HP! If you’re having trouble spotting exactly where the Boss is as other players blasting their blinding Fruits’ abilities, look for a small green HP bar — that’s Greybeard.
Once defeated, Greybeard will drop Bisento V2 for Bisento V1 holders; otherwise, you’ll just get a handsome chunk of XP and Honor, along with a pouch of money for your efforts.