The Enfer Back Room is a treasure room in Call of Duty: Warzone 2 DMZ located within the Sa’id Mall and contains a high-tier Supply Box and some randomized valuables. While the quantity of loot at this treasure cache might seem underwhelming, the quality is undoubtedly worth the effort of discovering the stash’s location. The Enfer Back Room can contain thousands of dollars, powerful weaponry like the Strela-P, Keys to other loot stashes, and a 3-Plate Armor Vest. However, reaching this location is far from easy, as players will need to make their way past a squad of well-armored elite AI soldiers.
Finding the Enfer Back Room in Warzone 2 DMZ
As noted above, the Enfer Back Room in Warzone 2 DMZ can be found in the Sa’id Mall. For those unfamiliar with this Shopping Center, it is a landmark in Sa’id City, a zone on the southwestern side of Al Mazrah, south of the Sattiq Cave Complex and north of the Al Shamman Cemetery.
Typically, players only need one Key to access the hidden treasure room of a location. However, since Enfer Back Room is inside the Sa’id Mall, Warzone 2 survivors also need a Key to enter the Shopping Center through its main entrances. Fortunately, there are spots on the rooftop where players can drop into the interior, but they must be wary of the elite guards to keep watching over these points. Moreover, once players have made it into the mall, they must deal with the notably powerful soldiers that can easily take down unprepared survivors if they draw too much attention.
Accordingly, an ideal approach would be to find the Enfer Back Room in Warzone 2 DMZ in a covert manner, avoiding gunfights at all costs. The entrance to the Enfer store can be found on the second floor. Players will recognize the shop by its golden “ENFER” sign. Once inside, survivors must make their way to the back of the store, where they will find the locked Enfer Back Room door. However, YouTuber insanegamer52 warns players to be cautious of tripwire traps that must be dealt with before attempting to reach the treasure room.
Warzone 2.0 is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5,
Source: YouTube/insanegamer52