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Do you want to know where to find the Juzumaru Katana in Persona 3 Portable? You can now play the remastered Persona 3 Portable version on various modern platforms, including PS4 and PS5,
Experience the iconic life simulation RPG and enjoy traversing the world in search of unique weapons and gear. In addition to the main story, you will have a ton of side requests from NPCs that will get you numerous rewards in Persona 3 Portable. One of the early requests is to find and bring the Juzumaru Katana to Elizabeth. This guide will show you where to find the Juzumaru Katana in Persona 3 Portable.
What is Juzumaru Katana in Persona 3 Portable?
The Juzumaru Katana is a secret two-handed sword. It is a unique and very rare item in the game. You will need to grind a little bit to get this rare weapon.
Juzumaru Katana Location in Personal 3 Portable
The Juzumaru Katana in Persona 3 Portable is found in rare golden chests floating on clouds throughout Thebel. Thebel is the first block of Tartarus.
The first 16 floors of Tartarus make Thebel. This means that you will be on the prowl for the legendary weapon very early in the game. In fact, it is one of the earliest Elizabeth/Theodore requests.

The chests spawn at random locations throughout Tartarus. To find the one that contains Juzumaru Katana, you will need to work your way up the floors to the top.
There are a few ways to cut down on time lost in the search for the weapon.
- You should ignore Sub-boss and pre-boss floors because there will be no rare chests on these floors.
- The most common floors on which rare chests appear are exactly 4 and 11.
Moreover, you can easily scale through the floors if you return to Thebel later in the game. You will be at a higher level than your enemies. They will run away from you, leaving you free to explore the floor and find chests more easily.
Once you locate the Juzumaru Katana in Persona 3 Portable, take it back to the quest giver to get your reward.
Persona 3 Portable is available now on PC, PS4,