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Do you want to know where to find and use Vikendi Security Keys in PUBG? Patch 24.1 introduced many changes to Vikendi, drawing enormous attention of players to the map. The developer has slightly diminished the security key spawning possibility from this patch. However, the locations where you need to find these Security Keys and the way to use these in Vikendi remain the same. So, here we will describe the process of finding and using these Security Keys in Vikendi.
PUBG: Where To Find Vikendi Security Keys

You can find Vikendi Security Keys in PUBG inside secret craw bar rooms. Around 16 of them are on the map, and you can find four easily between Naros, Train Station, and Laveni. As it mentions, you have to break the locks of doors in these craw bar rooms using a craw bar. Security Keys are often spawned inside red lockers, which you will find in these craw bar rooms. When you approach these buildings, the door will have a yellow craw bar sign where you can quickly identify them.
In addition to these Security Keys, these craw bar rooms also have a lot of loot, such as scopes, weapons, grenades, and heals. Also, most of these locations have an upstairs where you can have good advantage points against enemies.
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PUBG: Where To Use Vikendi Security Keys
You can use Vikendi Security Keys in PUBG to open security rooms. Security rooms are bunker-type buildings, and there is a security room inside each of these buildings where you need to use a Security Key found in craw bar rooms. There is a high chance of looting level three gears inside these security rooms. In addition, you get some vehicles and armor repair kits. These items also spawn in other locations. However, this is a guaranteed location to find all these items. Also, there is a snowmobile where you can get out of it most of the time.
Finding and using Vikendi Security Keys are crucial in the game to acquire the upper hand against your opponents. Because security rooms are the locations you can have level three gears, other powerful weapons, and repair kits. Guaranteed high-tier loot can be game-changers in the security rooms unlocked by these keys. If you also want to learn about all Deston security Rooms, the video below from C Dome will help.