The entire Assassin’s Creed series hinges on the idea of secrecy and moral codes as a crux for anything an assassin does. At the end of it all, however, it seems that the Isu, even in AC Mirage, is always lurking in the shadows as the root cause of everything. What was once a story about the war between the Templars and the Assassins is plagued by something much larger than the two of them, who control everything with invisible puppet strings. In Assassin’s Creed Mirage, the Isu presence has only strengthened.
Who Are The Isu In Assassin’s Creed Mirage?

Before there were Templars and before there were Assassins, there were the Isu. They are a technologically advanced civilization of humans who existed before modern-day humans did. The best way to describe them would be the way that people describe Greek or Roman gods: beings who forged humanity’s growth.
In fact, there is the belief that those same gods belonged to the Isu race. As a result of their impending doom, some of the Isu devised plans to have their consciousness put into a supercomputer, which we know as the Animus, while others schemed to be reincarnated as humans. Regardless of which was chosen, this purpose was to be able to influence and guide humanity again to either prevent their same fate or plot their own return.
What Do The Isu Do In AC Mirage?
The Isu is not an organization so much in the way that the Templars and Assassins are. They are the original creators of the Apples of Eden and are pretty responsible for the disagreements between the former. The Isu are also distant ancestors of characters from throughout the series including Desmond Miles and Layla Hassan, granting them with a series of different abilities. These abilities are known to us as eagle vision, communing with animals, and others that normally, only the assassins that you play as would have.
Of course, things have progressed since Desmond was alive, and in Assassin’s Creed Mirage, the Isu are more important than ever as it is learned that both Eivor and Basim are reincarnated Isu. In fact, the game focuses on Basim’s journey to discovering his true identity as the Norse god of mischief, Loki.
Meet the Voice Actors of Assassin’s Creed Mirage’s Cast
Assassin’s Creed Mirage is available now for