Visiting the slider settings menu of the WWE 2K24 feels like wandering in a mall, loaded with various items to buy. There are too many options to pick from, and you may not know which one suits you best. We’ve got camera options, gameplay settings for better or harder competitive experiences, and more.
Essential WWE 2K24 Slider Settings

Most of the WWE 2K24 slider settings are self-explanatory. However, some of these options need further clarification. We’ve got Gameplay, Presentation, Balancing, Targeting, and Advanced settings in this game, and here are the explanations of each category and their important sliders.

Difficulty: You can set the difficulty on Easy and Medium if you’re looking for an easier challenge in pins and reversals. Hard and Legend modes put stronger AI as your opponents, while you’ll have to be much faster for better reversals and kick outs.
Weight Detection: There are two options of Simulation and Arcade here. The Simulation doesn’t let you lift Andre The Giant easily for example, and Arcade puts all types of body weights on the same level.
Pin Mini-Game First Count Lock After Finisher: When “On,” you can not escape the pin and enter the mini-game before the referee’s first count. This is for the Timed Pin mini-game only and not for the Rapid version.
Trading Blows: This is a new feature in the WWE 2K24 settings and gameplay, where you can trade punches with your opponent in a mini-game. You can activate this by holding the X/Square button when On, and the fight goes on until one of the opponents is stunned.
Allow Held Input For Mini-Games: If you don’t want to break your controller tapping buttons in WWE 2K24‘s mini-games, turn this option on. It’ll allow you to hold the inputs instead of tapping them in mini-games like submissions.

Ramp Camera: A new feature added to the game, where you get to see the game from the announce table’s angle. This feature is good for the Royal Rumble matches, where you get to see the new opponents getting closer to the ring.
Camera Cuts: Want to see a replay of how you performed some of your best moves? Turn this option on.
Camera Panning: With this option on, the game’s camera gets much closer when you’re outside the ring.
Spectate Controls Display: This is more for AI vs AI matches, where you get to see what each button does for changing the angle of the camera.
Control Help & Match Rating HUD: You’ll see a prompt for performing finishers and signatures in every match. This WWE 2K24 setting is also for the star rating you see on the top left side of the screen.

This tab is all about the slider settings of AI opponents in WWE 2K24. Of course, setting the difficulty on high or legendary takes a true pro wrestler to win matches against the AI. But if you tweak the Balancing sliders, you can make AIs reverse every single move you make!
So basically, most of these sliders are for the rates and chances that the AI will do reversals or perform combos and grapples. The default for all these is set to 50/100, and as you put the slider on higher numbers, the AI will become more immortal and challenging to fight against. 100 is where you won’t be doing anything at all against them.
However, as you scroll down, there are also slider settings for different types of player-based options in WWE 2K24. For example, there’s the referee down time, which indicates how hard the judge of the match will try to get back up when they’re hurt. There’s also the weapon reversal option, which we recommend to be tuned over 60/100, as the weapon throw mechanism is somehow buggy and doesn’t give you a reverse window at times.

How do you choose your targets inside the ring? There are targeting slider settings for all players up to 6 men in WWE 2K24. You can have it on auto so that your wrestler will attack whomever they’re closer to. Or, you can do it semi-auto to press RS/R3 to switch targets while still getting an assist to fight near opponents.
Our recommendation is that you put your slider on manual so that you can choose your targets yourself. This will help a lot if you’re playing a match where you want to hit an AI in a Royal Rumble and not other players.

The final tab on the WWE 2K24 slider settings is all about how your special signature and finisher moves influence the target. If you set the bars on higher numbers, the opposing player/AI will take it harder to kick out of your pins. There are also sliders here that indicate how easy/hard the mini-games would be and more in-depth settings that’ll change the gameplay depending on your choices.
And that’s it for all the slider settings in WWE 2K24. There’s a brief explanation of all the settings down on the menu. Here we tried to cover an overall view of how these sliders work and went into detail on certain options of the Gameplay and Presentation tabs.
WWE 2K24 is currently available to play on PS5, PS4,