Gather around X-Men fans, director Bryan Singer as released a new batch of photos via Instagram today. Showing off various green screen and set dressings, specifically a fight club in 1980s Berlin. The most interesting of the photos includes a shot of Ben Hardy’s Angel. While this is just a taste of what Hardy’s angel may look like, I can certainly say it caught my attention. Not to mention the intriguing Thunderdome vibe coming from the snapshot. Other photos include a green screen set with presumably the team’s costumes behind glass and Singer standing underneath a giant metal X. I’m sure we are all a bit skeptical about Angel’s depiction after X-Men: Last Stand, so it’s going to be interesting to see what Singer has in stored for the iconic character. Sadly the other X-Men: Apocalypse photos don’t reveal much, other then it looks like there is going to be all kinds of green screen sets. I’m not opposed to this, but it would be nice to see some real sets, aside form the tiresome fall back of just digitizing everything in. Regardless, Singer has a tall order in front of him given the scope of this movie’s title and principle villain alone.

X-Men: Apocalypse is set to release May 27th, 2016. What do you think of the new X-Men: Apocalypse photos? Excited for Angel’s appearance or do you still remain skeptical? How do you feel about the new, more colorful costumes that everyone seems to be dawning? Sound off below!