XIII fans have been waiting for quite some time for the previously announced remake of the game. There hasn’t been much as of late, but today looks to possibly change that. Announced through the Microids Twitter account, XIII Remake will be getting a gameplay reveal on June 8.. The reveal comes as part of IGN’s Summer of Gaming event, showcasing a lot of game reveals including this one. Hopefully, during this gameplay reveal we’ll get a better idea of what has been changed from the original to the remake.
XIII wowed its fans when it released all the way back in 2003. The President of the United States has been assassinated, and you’re everyone’s first suspect. You must evade not only the police and the FBI but also a gang of murderous killers looking to put an end to you. The worst part of all? You’ve been struck with amnesia, so everything’s a blur to you and you have to pick up the pieces. Did you really assassinate the President, or did someone more sinister put the blame on you? This is the core question of XIII and makes it still worth playing 17 years later. If you’d like the experience it for yourself, it’s only a few dollars on GOG right now. For first-person shooter fans, that’s a steal if you ask me.
With the XIII remake, we’re mostly in the dark. We know it’ll change a lot of the story and gameplay, but as for what we’re unsure. What we do know is that the graphics have received a bit of a facelift. It will likely feel similar since cel-shaded works hold up pretty well, but it will definitely feel more modern. They almost remind me of the Borderlands games, though obviously with a much more realistic take.
We’ll know more when the game releases this year for PC, PS4,