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Every item in Sons of the Forest helps in some way. But you can’t get them all right in the beginning. Nevertheless, you don’t need to advance far into the story to access essentials. There’s plenty you can discover after you wake up. Once you loot or craft the right gear and weapons, you can ensure you will make it past those treacherous first weeks. If you don’t know what to focus on, we feel like these items are some of the best to get first in Sons of the Forest.
10. Flashlight

The Flashlight is a typical item you can find in Sons of the Forest, but that doesn’t make it any less necessary. You don’t want to be caught stumbling around in the dark, and a Lighter or Torch can only do so much to illuminate an area. So be sure to get one as soon as you can so that your search doesn’t have to end when the sun goes down.
9. Shovel

The Shovel is vital to continuing the story, such as accessing a new area. Beyond that, you still want to get it as soon as you can because it can help you unlock much-needed resources and items. For instance, without the Shovel, you can’t get the Shotgun, one of the more potent weapons you (and Virginia) can use.
8. Rope Gun

One of the best items for convenience you can get during your first few weeks in Sons of the Forest is the Rope Gun. It’s used to scale gaps in caves that would otherwise hinder you. But more importantly, you can create ziplines wherever you wish. Don’t feel like walking? Set up a zipline and soar across the map instead. It’s a far more fun and exciting way to travel.
7. Modern Axe

Although you start Sons of the Forest with a Tactical Axe, the Modern Axe is a much better item to use tactically. As a weapon, it can cause more potent damage to early enemies compared to the Tactical Axe. Plus, it handles trees faster, allowing you to get resources quicker than when you first started.
6. Rebreather

There are several points in Sons of the Forest that you cannot access right away. If you want to explore without stipulations, you need the Rebreather. It will get you through underwater areas with little difficulty. In fact, if you start your journey near the beach, you can snag this item within your first few days stranded in the woods, expanding your map even sooner.
5. Winter Jacket

You may not encounter the cold immediately in Sons of the Forest, but it never hurts to stay prepared with the right items. That includes the Winter Jacket. It’s one of several outfit pieces you can loot in the game. This one provides you with the highest level of warmth so that the elements won’t slow you down.
4. Crafted Bow

You won’t begin with the strongest weapons, but you need something to ward off enemies and hunt down some prey for food. The Crafted Bow is a solid place to start. It takes little to craft it, and the same goes with the arrows. As far as staying safe in the beginning, this is the perfect long-range weapon until you can get something better.
3. Pistol

Speaking of items that will keep you safe, a gun is a must-have in Sons of the Forest. You can find the Pistol early, too, and as long as you’re smart about conserving ammo, it will help you when you’re in a bind. Plus, you can eventually upgrade it to work a little bit better if you still have yet to gain access to stronger weaponry.
2. Flask

Rain Catchers are great for long-term water gathering, and you can always clean your water from a lake or pond by boiling it. But what if you’re too far away and your thirst is ridiculously low? When this happens, a Flask is your savior. You won’t have to worry about rushing to find water while in the middle of a mission or when you’re simply just exploring.
1. GPS Locator

You can find a handful of GPS Locators when you start Sons of the Forest, and they are rather versatile little devices. Found a spot you want to explore yet don’t have the resources (e.g., water, food, weapons) to handle it? Simply use a GPS Locator around the area to know where to return to. Or maybe you want to explore but don’t want to get lost? It comes in handy then, too. You can even attach it to Virginia and never lose her again.
These are far from the only items you’ll find or craft in Sons of the Forest, but they can make your experience a bit easier to process if you find them early on. Many of them can even open the doors to better items sooner rather than later. So, try your hand at adding any of these to your inventory within the first few weeks and see how well you go from there.
Sons of the Forest is available on PC.