Title: The Exorcist “Chapter Two: Lupus in Fabula” Network: Fox Air Date: September 30, 2016 Genre: Horror,…
September 2016
As Marvel continues to build its cinematic universe (and DC does its best to keep…
Title: NASCAR Heat Evolution Version Tested: Xbox One Available On: PS4, Xbox One, Windows Developer: Monster…
Title: Gotham: “Better To Reign In Hell…” Network: FOX Air Date: September 19, 2016 Genre:…
If you can’t wait any longer to roadie run a 10-ton dude or dudette into…
The TMNT Fan Site has a subscription box devoted to those amazing turtles. TMNTBox.com offers…
Powered Geek Box is a geek subscription box full of gifts for nerds, geeks, and…
Final Fantasy is one of the longest running, and best known, RPG series in the…
Following its explosive beginning, things have been rather quiet on the Pokemon Go front. This…
The unique action-adventure game, A Bastard’s Tale is finally making its way to the PS4 No…
No Man’s Sky is still having trouble escaping the drama. Now the game that has…
Way back in December of last year, we caught our first glimpse of Fantastic Beasts and…
The Tick began life as a spoof of comic book superheroes and has come a…
The last World War II Call of Duty Game, Call of Duty: World at War, also…
Coming off of a relatively lackluster summer movie season, September is not fairing much better…
Latest stories
More +Title: Gotham: “Better To Reign In Hell…” Network: FOX Air Date: September 19, 2016 Genre:…
If you can’t wait any longer to roadie run a 10-ton dude or dudette into…
The TMNT Fan Site has a subscription box devoted to those amazing turtles. TMNTBox.com offers…
Powered Geek Box is a geek subscription box full of gifts for nerds, geeks, and…
Final Fantasy is one of the longest running, and best known, RPG series in the…
Following its explosive beginning, things have been rather quiet on the Pokemon Go front. This…
The unique action-adventure game, A Bastard’s Tale is finally making its way to the PS4 No…
No Man’s Sky is still having trouble escaping the drama. Now the game that has…
Way back in December of last year, we caught our first glimpse of Fantastic Beasts and…
The Tick began life as a spoof of comic book superheroes and has come a…