Title: True Detective “The Big Never” Air Date: January 20th, 2019 Network: HBO Genre: Thriller,…
January 2019
Title: Riverdale: “No Exit” Review Air Date: January 16th, 2019 Network: The CW Genre: Drama,…
Title: True Detective “Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye” Air Date: January 13th, 2019 Network: HBO Genre: Thriller,…
Title: True Detective: “The Great War and Modern Memory” Air Date: January 13th, 2019 Network:…
Star Wars fans will be getting to learn a lot more about the galaxy far…
Bioware’s Anthem has been through a ringer of ups and downs over the past few…
Much of the world has been laughing since Trump announced his Space Force initiative back…
When director Jason Reitman recently unveiled the teaser for the new Ghostbusters movie, it sent the internet into…
WB put on a good showing at the reveal event for Mortal Kombat 11 today (if you…
Talks Machina, the talk show following each episode of Critical Role, announced a sponsorship by…
Any hopes of that huge single-player Star Wars experience many had hoped for have been…
I ain’t afraid of no ghost. I am, however, afraid of the recently announced Ghostbusters…
Marvel has revealed a new teaser trailer for Avengers: Endgame titled ‘100 Days’. A tweet…
Title: The Flash: “The Flash and The Furious” Review Release Date: January 15th, 2019 Network: The CW Genre:…
Thanos’ popularity doesn’t stop with 2018’s Avengers Infinity War. The comic Avengers: Infinity Gauntlet is one of the most…
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More +Recently, Nintendo had an Indie Showcase showing some new indie games releasing to the Nintendo…
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Comic book series’ get canceled, rebooted and updated all the time. It’s not a new…
RuneScape 3 Twitch streamer Aus Swag had both his Twitch account and RuneScape accounts permanently…
Title: True Detective “The Big Never” Air Date: January 20th, 2019 Network: HBO Genre: Thriller,…
Title: Riverdale: “No Exit” Review Air Date: January 16th, 2019 Network: The CW Genre: Drama,…
Title: True Detective “Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye” Air Date: January 13th, 2019 Network: HBO Genre: Thriller,…