The Pokémon GO fad may have come and gone, but that isn’t stopping Nintendo from releasing the Pokémon GO Plus peripheral next week.

The device is designed to allow people to play the AR hit without having to constantly look down at your phone. This will make catching pocket monsters and navigate the real world simultaneously a breeze, or so it’s hoped.
Whenever you pass a Pokéstop or Pokémon while walking, the Pokémon GO Plus will begin to flash and vibrate. You can then simply press then center button to pick up items or throw a Pokéball. You can then check every critter and items you have gained in your journal later. One of the biggest problems with the game at the time of release was how it captivated people’s attentions, causing traffic collisions and even deaths. It may be a little late but hopefully, it will streamline the experience for those still trying to catch ’em all.

It is shaped similarly to a Google Maps marker with the round part of the marker colored like a Pokéball. This plastic portion is fastened to a thin band so you can wear it on your wrist for easy access. It is currently listed on for $44.95.
Pokémon Go Plus releases Friday, September 16.