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It feels like the Nintendo Switch 2 announcement is just around the corner and rumors have been swirling about the upcoming system’s specs and other features. One recent rumor surrounding the idea that the Switch 2 might have dual screens similar to the DS and 3DS systems was given credibility back in October 2023 when Nintendo patented a new dual-screen device.
That’s far from confirmation that this will actually be the design of the Switch 2, but if there’s any chance of it, then that means a lot of older classics from the 3DS could be getting modern ports, and there’s a few games at the top of the list that need modernization if this happens.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

At a time when games like Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword were dividing the Zelda fanbase over their opinions, A Link Between Worlds felt like both a satisfying revisit of one of the best moments in the franchise’s history and an amazing update with modern mechanics that made the 3DS feel like a truly next-gen handheld. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds deserves a modern update for being one of the best new Zelda games right up there with Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. Its use of the second screen was also minimal, so even if the Switch 2 doesn’t have that feature it should still be a feasible port.
Fire Emblem: Awakening

It’s not without its controversy among long-time fans, but Fire Emblem: Awakening is undeniably where the franchise found new life, and its most successful life at that, in the West. The inclusion of a casual mode to allow playthroughs of the game without having to worry about losing all your favorite characters in one battle may feel a little soft to veterans, but it was an important step in making the game accessible to a wider audience and it worked. This game also sports some iconic characters, a complex class system, and more of that tactical strategy gameplay that the Fire Emblem series has always done so well.
Pokemon X & Y or Sun & Moon

With the Nintendo Switch 1 getting the Gen 4 remakes Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, many fans are now talking about the potential of Gen 5 Black and White remakes on the Switch 2. That does seem likely, but it also would be great to see underappreciated regions like Kalos and Alola revisited as well. Especially with a new Pokemon Legends hopefully not too far away, it could be a great opportunity to delve deeper into the lore of a region like Kalos where Pokemon like Zygarde and its relationship to Xerneas and Yveltal was tragically underexplored.
Shin Megami Tensei 4

Shin Megami Tensei 5 is one of the best JRPGs available on the Switch 1, but Shin Megami Tensei 4 is where many fans agree the series has peeked thus far. Not only does this game deliver more of that demon-fighting turn-based combat that fans of this and the Persona franchise love, but its story and moral choices feel far more natural and complex in this game than they do in the latest addition to the series. Plus, SMT 4 is hard, and in a good way where it feels like every boss fight and dungeon presents its own strategic challenge.
Dragon Quest 7 & 8

Some of the best ports the Nintendo 3DS got were the 3D updates for Dragon Quest 7 and Dragon Quest 8, two of the most iconic games in the legacy JRPG franchise. With the Switch 2, it should finally be time to bring these wonderful ports into HD. Considering the Switch 2 should also be receiving Dragon Quest 12 as one of its earliest releases, and the Switch 1 already has ports of the first three games in the series, there’s no reason not to bring two of the games with the best mechanics and stories in the world of Dragon Quest into the latest gen.