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Your first and most important mission in Palworld is building a base. This helps you start gathering sources, housing your pals, and keeping yourself safe from the raiders. However, it’s not the best idea to create a fort in a random location. In fact, the best location to build a base in Palworld is where you can set up a strategic camp, surrounded by mountains or cliffs. Here are the best places to keep your little Lamballs rolling and Nitewings flying.
5. First Base

If you’re a starter in Palworld, then the first spawn location is great for building your initial base. Right where you find your first fast travel spot, check the right side and you’ll find this place. You’ll find red berry seeds in this area, along with stone and wood material to start building a workbench and your other initial buildings.

The common creatures you find in this location are Cattiva and Lamball. But if you go down the hill, you might come across other pals like Pengullet and Foxparks.
4. Church Ruins on Marsh Island

As you progress your way through the forest, you’ll find a new location called Marsh Island. This is the home to many new creatures like Nitewing, Lifmunk, Fuack, Tanzee, Teafant, and many more. Now, if you look around the area, you’ll also find a place that has a power statue inside a ruined building; seemingly a church.

This is one of the best locations to build your base in Palworld as you advance through the game. The remains of the church aids you in using less stone for your base’s walls, while you can expand the area for some extra room.
3. Bridge of The Twin Knights

Your base will need more room as you progress, requiring more flat space to place all your buildings in it. There’s a certain location south of the Bridge of The Twin Knights with a large swathe of flat land, ready for the king to create a fort on it.

You’ll find some mercs around the area, but they’re more like the free loot delivery as fighting them is cutting butter. This is one of the best locations to have a base in Palworld, as it gives you a large amount of space for your in-base activities.
2. Mount Flopie

Mount Flopie is a dangerous place, only if you’re not equipped with high-tier gear and don’t have powerful pals beside you. If you’re confident in your power stats, then consider moving to this location.

Lots of loot, awesome pals to pick, and more areas to discover make Mount Flopie a nice destination for your main or second base in Palworld. You’ll also find plenty of Sulfur across the pond within the desert biome as well, which is one of the more elusive resources in the game.
1. North Mount Flopie

Enjoying Mount Flopie? Explore the area for a while, and you’ll find a flat surface on a large scale on its north. This is a good spot for landing all your working pals and buildings, right beside a cliff.

The view is nice, and you’ll find some high-tier loot each day you exit your base in this area. The only thing you need to worry about is the raiders. They could be soldiers attacking your base, or the man-eating creatures that mean harm to your pals. Set up a good defence, shut the gates, and you should be a lot safer.
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