To celebrate the year, Steam recently released the list of their top 100 best sellers from the year.
The top games aren’t listed in numerical order, but instead are separated into categories of Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum, each likely representative of a specific sales threshold. The list also doesn’t specify as to whether the order in which the games are listed is representative of the actual sales chart as well.
The bronze section of the list is made up of variety of different games, most of which weren’t even 2016, which speaks to the longevity of modern games. The oldest Bronze still selling copies is Garry’s Mod, the 2006 physical sandbox/tool creator game that is multiple games in one.

The Silver category again shows a fair amount of diversity, with 2016 releases Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and Watchdogs 2 making the list, proving that not all the top 100 has to be older games. Not surprisingly, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is still selling copies.
Free-to-play manages to snag two of the ten games in the Gold category as Warframe and Team Fortress 2 refuses to let Overwatch steal their multiplayer market. The rest of the section is made up primarily of shooters as DOOM and Rainbow Six: Siege both had phenomenal years.

Continuing the trend of older games profiting, only half of the titles in the Platinum section (listed above) were released in 2016 (Dark Souls 3, The Division, Total War: Warhammer, XCom 2, Civilization VI and No Man’s Sky). While it managed to make the Platinum section despite it’s controversy, it would be interesting to see if the refunds for No Man’s Sky were taken into account for this top 100.
The best part of the list is that if (when) you come down with the dreaded Steam sale sickness that has killed many a wallets over the years, almost every game on the list is on sale. For more information on the top 100, head over to Steam, where they are listed in full, and be sure to check back here for more news!