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Jasmine Pineda disagrees with the budget her 90 Day Fiance partner, Gino Palazzolo, has set to purchase her wedding dress. Not only are they butting heads over the money, Gino is shopping for a dress with her. He is also not willing to budge on the budget he has set.
Gino Palazzolo Sticks to a Budget & Angers 90 Day Fiance Jasmine Pineda
The wedding dress shopping trip could be better for 90 Day Fiance couple Jasmine Pineda and Gino Palazzolo. Jasmine seems annoyed that Gino is at the dress shop with her. When Gino tells Jasmine and the sales reps at the dress shop that they have $1,000 to work with, they all look at him like he is nuts.

The tension in the store is growing thicker by the minute. The sales reps can see that the 90 Day Fiance couple is close to getting into an argument. So the sales rep tells Gino Palazzolo they will work something out.
Dress Blocking Spells Trouble For TLC Couple
The look on Jasmine Pineda’s face tells Gino Palazzolo that his bride-to-be finds his $1,000 wedding dress budget a joke. She says that wedding gowns do not exist for that price. But Gino stands firm.
He is annoyed Jasmine wants to complain about her budget, well, her second wedding dress budget, that is. 90 Day Fiance fans know that Gino had previously sent Jasmine $4,000 to buy a dress. However, she blew the cash on a new butt instead. She even allowed her ex-Dane to pay $2,000 to help cover the cost.
After her blow-up with Gino about her butt implants, many 90 Day Fiance followers say that Jasmine’s greed is getting out of control. Gino told Jasmine that he is now without a job and that they must tighten up their spending. But either she doesn’t comprehend what that means, or she doesn’t care because she thinks she can change his mind.
Some TLC 90 Day Fiance followers claim Jasmine Pineda is selfish. They think it is awful that she spent her original dress fund on surgery. But to act the way she is because her second dress budget doesn’t suit her is disgusting. She thinks she can get Gino Palazzolo to see it her way, but viewers are unsure. Do you believe Gino will cave to Jasmine again?