The newest League of Legends champion has been revealed ! Kindred, The Eternal Hunters is a ranged juggler who excels at single target burst damage. Despite it’s high damage, Kindred is a fragile champion who must rely on mobility to successfully win fights.
Kindred is two celestial beings working in tandem to lay down consistent damage on epic neutral monsters and enemies. Kindred’s kit contains decent mobility and plenty of damage, making her an effective carry-style juggler. Because of the champion’s unique 2-character model, Kindred’s abilities incorporate using both the spirits, forcing opponents to be mindful of a dual threat. As a ranged juggler Kindred doesn’t have that much crowd control abilities, thus when playing Kindred it is essential to keep the cool downs of her Q spell (her dash) and her E spell (slows enemies) to successfully get kills and escape sticky situations. Kindred’s ultimate ability, Lamb’s Respite, is a game changer in fights. When cast, Kindred lays down a protective circle that prevents ally deaths within, in addition to healing wounded teammates when the spell expires.
Developer Riot Games has yet to announce when Kindred will hit the live servers, in keeping with tradition and past champion releases, players should expect to try Kindred out for themselves in a month or so.