A huge amount of Street Fighter V information was released at Paris Games Week and later posted on the Capcom Unity blog. The game was officially given a release date of February 16, 2016, and it was announced that at least six new characters will be released in the first year as separate DLC. They also released a teaser image of the six shadowy figures that will be available for purchase with either real cash or Street Fighter V‘s “Fight Money.”

In the same blog post, there are also details about how Fight Money can be earned. Players will be able to earn the currency through daily challenges as well as by leveling up individual characters. This will allow for the purchase of all DLC. Like most microtransactions, players will be able to bypass the grind and just buy things if they are so inclined.
In addition to this news, Capcom announced the final “classic” character that will be available on day one: Dhalsim. One of the original eight playable street fighter characters, the limb-elongating yoga master is sporting a long gray beard now and appears to have some new tricks up his sleeve. Check it out below to see what Dhalsim brings to the table in Street Fighter V:
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxjEqbvu9PY[/embedyt]
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Dhalsim has always been a tricky character who plays with space and confuses opponents about where his next attack is coming from. He now sports the ability to hover in midair for a few seconds, throwing off timing on attacks. He also has arcing fireballs and can lay a bed of flames on the ground as a trap. He looks a little faster in this iteration, and it will be interesting to see how the yoga master fits in with the rest of the cast. Many of the characters in Street Fighter V are in-your-face beat down fighters, so it will be interesting to see if Dhalsim is able to keep up.
What do you think of the newest iteration of Dhalsim? Also, who do you think the six upcoming DLC fighters are? Let us know in the comments below!