Death Note is well-known as one of the most popular manga series, with a 37 episode anime, three live action films and most recently, a television drama. The latest attempt at a live action movie adaptation comes from Warner Bros., with Adam Wingard directing. It seems that Wingard’s film will be geared toward a more adult audience, which goes along with the story’s original dark and bloody themes.
Roy Lee, a producer for Death Note, spoke with Collider last week at the D.I.C.E. summit, talking about how the film is coming along. This movie has been in the works for a while, but Wingard is apparently still waiting for it to be greenlit. However, Lee also said that they currently have a cast and are hoping to make it happen this year.
And fans don’t have to worry about the Death Note film being toned down. “It’s definitely for adults. It is zero chance it will be below an R-rating,” Lee said. Lee also stated that the movie “will be one of the first manga adaptations that feel very grounded but still has fantastical elements.”
All of this is good news for those who enjoyed the original Death Note manga or anime. Many similar live action attempts have not turned out well, and some are downright laughable. But it seems that Wingard and his team are trying to make their version of Light Yagami’s story as true to itself as possible. And with the movie in such early stages, it is enough to remain cautiously optimistic and hope for the best.
How do you feel about this latest Death Note live action attempt? Let us know in the comments below!