If you always run out of scrap and don’t have enough money to buy items, you may need a new approach to how you farm funds. For example, you can try to get an overtime bonus, but this challenge is not for beginners. And now, let’s take a look at how to get the overtime bonus in Lethal Company. Many gamers do not even know about the existence of this bonus because the game does not provide any information about it. If you do decide to try to get it, be prepared because you will need to survive in extremely difficult conditions.
Lethal Company: What Is Overtime Bonus and How to Get It
An overtime bonus is an additional payment that you can get by constantly visiting the same planet and collecting scrap there. This does not mean that you need to stay on the planet all the time, but instead, fly there every time after the end of the working day and the beginning of a new one. Moreover, you can’t stay on the planet longer than midnight because that’s when the ship flies away from its location back into space. Instead, you must follow this plan of action:
- Choose a planet that you will visit all the time.
- Collect the scrap and try to get it to the ship before 17:00 to finish the day. This is important to avoid encountering dangerous monsters that appear around the ship.
- At the end of the day, you will return to orbit, where you can choose a new location. Don’t go to other planets, but choose the same one instead.
- Repeat this over and over again until you need to go to fulfill your quota.
This instruction is a universal way to get an overtime bonus. Remember, the main thing is that you should never choose another planet. You will need to explore the chosen planet all the days, regardless of the weather conditions or the dangers that await you there. Of course, it is difficult, but is it worth the extra payment? Definitely, yes.
If you’d like, you can choose to visit a planet that costs money to access, so you can collect better scrap and get an even bigger overtime bonus. The longer you visit the same planet, the higher the additional payment will be. If you want to eventually get your bonus, wait for the day when you need to turn in your quota. As soon as you arrive at the place where you need to hand over the scrap and close the quota, the overtime bonus will appear on your balance.