Orokin Cells in Warframe, like most other rare resources, can be a pain to farm blindly if you’re just a beginner. You’ll need a lot of it for crafting warframes and weapons; stockpiling Orokin Cells is almost mandatory. Farming Orokin Cells in Warframe needn’t be a tedious process, however. We’ll point you in the right direction on how to farm Orokin Cells fast.
How To Get Orokin Cells
A lot of enemies and mission types drop Orokin Cells, though most enemies have drop chances that are way too low.
We recommend bosses instead if you want the most Orokin Cells per hour, assuming you have the skill and firepower to keep repeating these bosses. If not, you can always join some public squads.
Perform Some Boss Runs
For a faster and more generous way to farm Orokin Cells in Warframe, we recommend the following two bosses:
- General Sargas Ruk in Tethys, Saturn (Assassination)
- Lephantis in Magnacidium, Deimos (Assassination)
Both are Assassination missions, meaning they’re fast, and most of the work will come from taking down the boss. Lephantis can sometimes drop two Orokin Cells in one run. You can try your luck there even though the run might take longer than a General Sargas Ruk Assassination.
If you want to be even faster, make sure to bring the following Warframes:
- Volt
- Gauss
- Titania
- Revenant
- Octavia
These Warframes can either ensure a shorter travel time to the boss room or minimize your deaths. Volt is meta these days for speed farming, and he’s a starter frame. However, if you didn’t pick him in the tutorial, you can still acquire him in a Clan Dojo.
Just Complete Missions in the Following Planets
Boss runs can sometimes require a lot of effort, and there are times when you have to run them solo, depending on the hour. There might also be instances when you don’t have the aforementioned frames and their proper builds to farm Orokin Cells optimally through Assassination missions.
In that case, simply running missions in the following planets might net you a handful of Orokin Cells if you’re lucky.
- Ceres
- Saturn
- Deimos
You might have to stay longer than five minutes or run more than one round for endless mission types in order to have a good chance of getting Orokin Cells. If you do spend a lot of time on these planets, you’ll also accumulate a surplus of Orokin Cells without even realizing it.