The latest entry in the iconic Budokai Tenkaichi series, also known as Sparking in Japan, has achieved a remarkable milestone. In just 24 hours after its global launch on October 10, Bandai Namco announced Dragon Ball Sparking ZERO sales had reached 3 million units worldwide. Debuted in 2005 for the PS2, fans of 3D fighter action have been eagerly waiting for its first new installment in 17 years.
Not just the sales, in terms of mechanics, Dragon Ball Sparking ZERO definitely doesn’t disappoint as a continuation of the series. The game features the largest roster to date, with 182 unique characters, and more to come through DLC. It also offers what-if scenarios and first-person perspective mode, adding twists to the beloved anime story. Our review calls it the ‘ultimate Dragon Ball experience’ and the least punishing fighting game to get into.
But this game isn’t the only one that carries such illustrious pedigree. Budokai Tenkaichi 3 was considered to be the best-selling Dragon Ball game on the PS2. Arc System Work’s Dragon Ball FighterZ has sold over 10 million copies worldwide as of May 2023. The mobile game Dokkan Battle also managed to rake in $3 billion in revenue by 2021.
The anime series itself has been distributed to more than 30 countries across America, Europe, and Asia for decades. It’s no wonder that Sparking ZERO sales appealed to a broader audience than ever before, from long-time Z fans to Super newcomers alike.
Given the immense 3 million in 24 hours sales, Bandai Namco is positioning Dragon Ball Sparking ZERO as a long-lasting addition to the series. The company also promises it will deliver ‘long and deep playable content’ that will continue to exceed fan expectations.
Now that the short series Daima is airing, what future content would you like to be added to this game? More GT characters perhaps, or maybe classic Dragon Ball fan-favorites like Mercenary Tao?