Dragon Ball Sparking Zero marks the triumphal return of the beloved and generation-defining Budokai Tenkaichi franchise. This also means that the game will feature a plethora of playable characters, this time switching from Dragon Ball to Dragon Ball Super. But which characters will be featured as part of the game’s massive roster? Here are all the characters confirmed to be featured as part of the Dragon Ball Sparking Zero roster.
(This article will be updated as new characters are either leaked or officially revealed).
Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Full Roster

A total of 50 of the 164 characters part of the Dragon Ball Sparking Zero roster have been officially revealed at the time of writing, 24 of which are Goku and Vegeta variants. Among them, we have unexpected additions such as Kakunsa and Master Roshi. Fans can also spot fan favorites like the Dragon Ball Super version of Broly and Super Trunks.
You can check out all of the revealed characters below. Although revealed in the game’s character grid and trailers, the characters whose names are in italics have not officially received their in-game names.
- Goku (Early)
- Goku (Mid)
- Goku (Mid) – Super Saiyan
- Goku (Mid) – Super Saiyan (2)
- Goku (End)
- Goku (End) Super Saiyan
- Goku (End) Super Saiyan 2
- Goku (End) Super Saiyan 3
- Goku (Super)
- Goku (Super) Super Saiyan
- Goku (Super), Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan
- Vegeta (Scouter)
- Vegeta – Great Ape
- Vegeta (Early)
- Vegeta (Early) – Super Saiyan
- Super Vegeta
- Vegeta (End)
- Vegeta (End) – Super Saiyan
- Vegeta (End) – Super Saiyan 2
- Majin Vegeta
- Vegeta (Super)
- Vegeta (Super) – Super Saiyan
- Vegeta (Super) – Super Saiyan God
- Vegeta (Super) – Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan
- Super Trunks
- Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk)
- Super Saiyan Broly (Full Power)
- Hit
- Jeice
- Toppo
- Burter
- Nappa
- Master Roshi (Max Power)
- Kakunsa
- Dyspo
- Hercule
- Tien Shinhan
- Yamcha
- Krillin
- Android 18
- Android 17 (Super)
- Majin Buu
- Trunks – Super Saiyan
- Trunks (Super) – Super Saiyan
- Cell
- Frieza
- Broly (Super)
- Broly (Super) – Super Saiyan
- Jiren
- Bergamo
Will Sparking Zero Feature Characters From Dragon Ball GT?
As no official reveal was made by the developers of the game, it is still unknown whether or not Dragon Ball Sparking Zero will feature noncanonical characters and forms, such as the ones featured in Dragon Ball GT as well as in the many Dragon Ball Z movies.
But there’s no need to lose hope, as given the history of the fighting games based in the franchise, it is almost a given that at least Goku and Vegeta will receive their SSJ4 forms either at launch or as part of DLCs for the game.
Dragon Ball Sparking Zero will be released either in the second half of 2024 or in 2025, exclusively for PS5,