The BEASTARS anime closely follows the busy lives of the teenagers at a prestigious school. As if that weren’t enough, all the students belong to different animal species, including herbivores and carnivores. That is why, in this animal world, there are stringent laws about eating meat. But it is precisely the Final Season of BEASTARS that lets us see how Legoshi will deal with having eaten Louis’ leg, or so the trailer lets us see. As if the wolf wasn’t already suffering enough in that society, there is much more hidden in his lineage.
Remember that Legoshi did not simply attack his friend and former rival Louis; to save themselves, Louis gave up his own leg. Because meat gives certain “buffs” to carnivores after ingesting it. However, since eating meat is strictly forbidden, and despite the circumstances, Legoshi ends up on a list of dangerous animals and leaves school. Not only that, but Legoshi will have to deal with Melon, a hybrid animal, who will make Legoshi explore his family’s past and discover who he really is.
This will undoubtedly complicate Legoshi’s life a thousand times when he is just trying to fight against his enemies and society to have a relationship with Haru. All this while the BEASTARS Final Season trailer shows how Louis can continue his life as an ordinary student, even though he “disappeared” with the lion mafia to be their leader. He even gets a new romance arc with Juno, who was in love with Legoshi, and that only complicates the love triangles within the anime.
It is clear that even in this animal society, there are several problems, such as the depravity of the population, corruption, and extreme inequality. We will see how all the characters deal with their conflicts in Part 1, which will arrive on Netflix this December 5.