The recent Monster Hunter Wilds open beta test gave players a taste of what kind of improvements and changes were given to Capcom’s monster-slaying franchise. While the open beta test or OBT showcased exciting new features, it also exposed glaring performance issues, especially on PC. Speaking with Japanese media GAME Watch, producer Ryozo Tsujimoto, art director Kaname Fujioka, and director Yuya Tokuda have promised improvements before the final release.
“I feel we’ve received a good response. We’ve gotten a lot of feedback and read through them all,” Tsujimoto said in the interview. “It highlighted areas we want to improve for the final version, so we’d like to continue updating it until the release date.”
“We are aware of the issues and graphic discrepancies,” addressed Fujioka. After all, performance issues were rampant during the beta, with players noting chugging frame rates and visual glitches. “The current state is not final, and improvements are already underway.”
Tokuda echoed this sentiment, noting that changes have already been made to the preview version and that optimizations will continue until the game launches.
Nevertheless, the developers see the Monster Hunter Wilds beta as a win despite the hiccups. “This OBT had a technical verification aspect to it, and we were able to see what we need to do to get ready for release,” Tsujimoto explained. “I’m glad we did the OBT. We have also come to light some behaviors and elements that were not intended […] so we will focus on addressing those areas.”
Tsujimoto then added that plans are underway to share more updates with players, alongside revealing content not included in the Monster Hunter Wilds open beta. The team acknowledged the critical importance of launching a polished product, with Tsujimoto emphasizing, “Releasing in a half-finished state is not acceptable.” For that reason, he hoped players would patiently wait for the next update.
The Monster Hunter Wilds team is committed to delivering improvement while offering fresh experiences to the 20-year-old series. “What you saw in the OBT and preview is just a small part of the game,” Tokuda assured fans. “We’re working on creating deeper gaming experiences while maintaining the ‘Monster Hunter-ness’ so we hope you’ll look forward to it.”