The demo data mining incident hasn’t kept The Pokemon Company from steadily revealing details about the seventh generation of games. The latest batch of Sun and Moon info describes Z-Moves a little more in-depth, including those used by the starters. It also introduces a few more Ultra Beasts and what is most likely the true form behind the rumored “Marshadow.”
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Decidueye’s Sinister Arrow Raid, Incineroar’s Malicious Moonsault, and Primarina’s Oceanic Operetta burst out at the front of the trailer as the starters take turns knocking the stuffing out of each other. Z-Moves can be combined with any of a Pokemon’s learned moves and has added effects and differing attack power based on the chosen move. For example, Z-Thunder Wave won’t do damage, but it will paralyze the enemy and raise the user’s special defense one level. Z-Splash will raise the user’s attack by three levels, making it technically stronger than Swords Dance. Magikarp for uber tier!
While they’re different than the ones shown in CoroCoro, the two revealed Ultra Beasts are UB03-Lighting and UB-05 Glutton. While the former is a clearly Electric type, Glutton, based on the visual of its attack against Carbink, is most likely to be Steel type. Alolan Dugtrio’s ability lower’s the enemy’s speed if they make physical contact, and QR-downloaded Pokemon like Magearna are obtained in a similar fashion to current-generation wi-fi and code events (speaking of which, don’t forget to pick up Genesect from Gamestop this month!).

According to the magazine, this frightening figure is supposedly related to the two cover legends, Solgaleo and Lunala. No name has been given, but it almost has to be the third key legendary. Have a different theory? Leave a comment and get the Pokemon Sun and Moon conversation going!