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Given her ability to deal high NA damage and turn the tide of any battle in your favor by summoning Mr. Carlyle into the fray, Cecia more than earns her spot as one of the best ranged damage dealers in AFK Journey. But as the foundation for her kit lies in her Ultimate, picking the right teammates for her is vital. Here’s everything you need to know about Cecia in AFK Journey, including an overview of her skills, whether or not you should invest in her Exclusive Equipment, and the best teams for her.
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How to Play Cecia in AFK Journey and All of Her Skills

As a ranged DPS, Cecia excels the most when well-protected in the backline. While there, she will have the freedom to snipe any threats and will be ideally out of danger. To bring out the best in her, I recommend that you prioritize ascending her to Mythic+ as soon as possible. You can check an overview of all of Cecia’s skills —plus how to unlock them— below.
Skill Name | Description | CD | How to Unlock |
Queen’s Summons (Ultimate) | Cecia summons Mr. Carlyle. He will then perform Tangled Agony and trap all enemies within a 2-tile radius for 2 seconds while dealing 140% DMG per second (the damage will be increased to 175, 180, and 185% after Cecia reaches levels 111, 171, and 231). If you use the skill while Mr. Carlyle is on the field, he will be fully healed and immediately perform Tangled Agony. After Cecia reaches level 51, Mr. Carlyle will receive a 60% Max HP bonus. | No cooldown. | Available from the get-go. |
Earth’s Offering (Skill 1) | Increases Cecia and Mr. Carlyle’s ATK Speed by 45 (boosted to 50 and 55 after you reach levels 71 and 191). The buff will last 8 seconds. Once you reach level 131, using Earth’s Offering will also cause Mr. Carlyle’s next normal attack to be replaced with Thundering Quake. Thundering Quake will deal 320% DMG to all enemies at a 2-tile radius and imbue him with 15 Life Drain. | 12 seconds. | Level her up to level 11. |
Agonizing Puncture (Skill 2) | Cecia and Mr. Carlyle gain 20 DEF Penetration (will be boosted to 25 after she reaches level 91). Will also allow her to perform an enhanced attack dealing 220% DMG once every 3 Normal Attacks. The skill’s damage will be increased to 225% once she hits level 151, and to 230% once at level 211. | No cooldown (Passive). | Level her up to level 31. |
Hero Focus | Increases Cecia’s ATK Speed by 15/20/25. The boost will be increased by 9/12/15 if Mr. Carlyle is also on the field. | No cooldown (Passive). | Ascend her to Legendary+. |
Trial of Thorns | Allows her to engulf an enemy with reinforced thorns for 4 seconds. The trapped enemy will suffer 60% of her ATK as damage per second and become unable to act. Cecia will also absorb 1.5% of the Physical and Magic DEF of the target per second (max of 8 stacks per target). | 15 seconds. | Ascend her to Mythic+. |
Enhance Force | The number of attacks needed to trigger Agonizing Puncture is reduced by 1. | No cooldown (Passive). | Ascend her to Supreme+. |
All Cecia Exclusive Equipment Effects, Explained
After ascending her to Mythic+, you will get access to Cecia’s Exclusive Equipment, aka the Thorned Harp, and will be able to unlock three new effects for Trial of Thorns by leveling it up to levels +5,+10, and +15. You can check out an overview of each of the effects below:
- +5: After performing Trial of Thorns, Cecia will also absorb 1 Vitality per second from her target.
- +10: Increased the per second DMG of Trial of Thorns to 70%.
- +15: Increased the per second DMG of Trial of Thorns to 80%.
To get the most out of her Exclusive Equipment and avoid getting less for your resources, I recommend that you only level the Thorned Harp to +5. You will need to expend 150 Tidal Essences to do so, but as you might have guessed, getting the amount won’t be easy.
How to Get Tidal Essences
You can get Tidal Essences in AFK Journey by purchasing it through the Guild Store. You can also get it by reaching milestones in the Dream Realm or through the in-game store. Learn how to defeat all Dream Realm bosses in our Skyclops, Necrodrakon, King Croaker, and Snow Stomper guides.
The Best Cecia Teams in AFK Journey

Although she can fit a wide array of compositions as a joker (or flex) pick, the best team for Cecia in AFK Journey will feature her as its main ranged damage dealer —with Mr. Carlyle also taking on the role of a secondary tank— one tank, a support/healer, a sub-DPS, and either another main DPS or a flex unit.
True to her self-appointed title as their queen, most of the best picks for the roles above will be Graveborn heroes, with Thoran securing the tank spot and Silvina being my main secondary DPS pick. Viperian is my main pick for the sub-DMG spot. For the supporting role, I recommend going with Rowan, as he will be able to both heal and ensure that both Viperian and Cecia can perform their Ultimates as soon as possible. Replacing Silvina or Viperian with Igor can also work if you are looking more toward survivability.
Don’t forget to check out the best alternatives for each of our picks on our AFK Journey Tier List. I also recommend that you check out how to get the Starshard Spell. Once equipped, the artifact will allow you to deal extra DMG per 4 Ultimates performed during a match.
You can play AFK Journey right now on both PC and mobile.