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The new Teal Mask DLC for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet adds more than half a dozen new Pokemon to Gen 9’s roster, bringing the total number in the series up to more than 1,000. It’s a massive number of new creatures to catch, battle, and trade. Still, it does accompany more than 100 Pokemon returning from previous generations, so the total number available in Scarlet and Violet just massively expanded. We will be ranking every Pokemon that just arrived in The Teal Mask from worst to best.
6. Dipplin

One of the strangest new Pokemon on the Galar roster in Gen 8 was undoubtedly Applin and its fruit-themed evolutions, Flapple and Appletun. The Grass/Dragon crew undoubtedly has some of the kookiest designs ever thought up for new Pokemon, which could be a good or a bad thing, depending on the feelings of the observer.
A new evolution for the group certainly isn’t unwelcome. Applin is almost becoming like Eevee at this point, with various new item-based evolutions added throughout subsequent generations. The major difference is that every new evolution adds a new type to the popular Pokemon’s roster, and every Applin evolution is just Grass/Dragon. The end result is Dipplin feels redundant on arrival and thus falls lowest when ranking Teal Mask Pokemon.
5. Poltchageist and Sinistcha

Similar to Dipplin, Poltchageist and Sinistcha feel a little redundant due to their intentional similarity with Polteageist and Sinistea. There are some notable differences that make them markedly more interesting, though, like the fact that their typing is Grass/Ghost. Poltchageist and Sinistcha also play into the recurring Gen 9 theme of “convergent evolution,” the idea that creatures from different parts of the world can develop similar traits without being related. A similar design concept is used with Toedscool and Toedscruel alongside Wiglett and Wugtrio in Paldea.
That said, Polchageist and Sinischa do a good job playing into the obvious Japanese cultural influences of Kitakami but ultimately don’t stand out too much.
4. Okidogi

Okidogi is one of the Loyal Three trio that serves as the only Legendary trio in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet now. It’s the only Legendary trio to feature Poison as the recurring type between all three, and the designs are fascinatingly rooted in the old Japanese folktale of Momotaro.
The canine member of the trio winds up feeling like the weakest since its Poison/Fighting type combo is the only combo of the three that isn’t particularly rare, having been used by Croagunk-Toxicroak and Hisuian Sneasel-Sneasler in the past. Toxicroak has found itself as a useful niche pick in certain Pokemon meta tiers in the past, so it’s possible that Okidogi could work its way in somewhere there.
3. Ogerpon

Ogerpon is the mascot for The Teal Mask and has been shrouded in mystery since the DLC was first announced. The reveal that the Pokemon has multiple interchangeable masks that affect its overall typing, along with the typing of its signature move, is cool, although fairly derivative of Arceus and its interchangeable plates.
Still, Ogerpon is ultimately a very appealing Pokemon with an interesting twist. It’s also going to be very intriguing to see how its mask plays into the larger lore that was alluded to in the story of The Teal Mask, which should tie in with the story of Terapagos and The Indigo Disk.
2. Munkidori

Munkidori is the second of the Loyal Three trio on this list, and it nearly makes the top spot. Poison/Psychic is definitely a strong type combination that could potentially result in Munkidori ending up in some interesting meta builds. For players that aren’t interested in the battle meta, it’s just a Pokemon with access to a lot of cool moves and a lot of resistances.
Ultimately, it’s not the rarest type combo of the trio since Gen 8 already introduced two Poison/Psychic Pokemon with Galarian Slowbro and Slowking. However, it does still leave Munkidori as one of the few and the only Legendary of this typing.
1. Fezandipiti

Fezandipiti is the last member of the Loyal Three trio on this list, and the pheasant Pokemon comes out on top of the Scarlet and Violet Teal Mask Pokemon ranking. The primary reason for this is its incredibly unique typing. Poison/Fairy is a strong combination that leaves only a handful of weaknesses and a lot of resistances.
On top of that, the only other Pokemon currently in the game with this type combo is Galarian Weezing, so Fezandipiti could very likely find itself in some interesting meta builds as players adjust to the new and returning Pokemon introduced in The Teal Mask.