Paulownia Mall is where everyone with a life hangs out in Persona 3 Reload. You can find all sorts of stores and secrets within them. There are also several new features that this remake brings that make the mall experience much better. Let’s take a look at all the shops in Paulownia Mall as well as when you can go inside and what you can expect inside of them in Persona 3 Reload.
All Shops in Paulownia Mall in Persona 3 Reload

In total, there are ten locations within Paulownia Mall. Some of these shops are available right from the beginning of the game. Others take a little more patience to unlock. They are:
- Club Escapade
- Chagall Cafe
- Be Blue V
- Tatsumi East Police Station
- Mandragora Karaoke
- Mayoido Antiques
- Aohige Pharmacy
- Kenneth Arnold CD and DVD Shop
- Game Parade
- The Velvet Room
Club Escapade
Club Escapade requires you to have a Level 2 Courage to enter. Inside, you’ll be able to purchase luxury accessories at the bar and talk to a fortune teller who can unveil what you’ll experience that night in Tartarus. There is also an Informat who sits in the back that can sell you different URLs that can be used on the dorm’s shared computer.
Chagall Cafe
Drinking Chagall Cafe’s signature Pheromone Coffee will help raise your Charm. You can also pick up a part-time job here on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights. This will help raise both your Charm and your Courage. Whether you’re a customer or an employee, time will pass when you’re in the cafe.
Be Blue V
In Be Blue V, you can recall both yours and your allies forgotten Persona skills. You can also get a part-time job here Monday through Friday either any time after school or whenever you’d like on days off. Regardless of whether you’re a customer or employee, time will still pass.
Tatsumi East Police Station
Tatsumi East Police Station is where you can buy all sorts of weapons and equipment for you and your allies. You can also sell things that you find in Tartarus. No time will pass, so you’re free to buy or sell things whenever you want.
Mandragora Karaoke
If you sing alone at Mandragora Karaoke, then you’ll earn Courage. Time will pass inside the karaoke bar.
Mayoido Antiques
This store will open on July 18th. When it does, you can go inside with different base parts for creating stronger weapons. Item Fusions requireone weapon part and different required materials that can be found in Tartarus. No time will be spent while you’re here.
Aohige Pharmacy
You an find a variety of goods in Aohige Pharmacy. There’s a sale that goes on every Saturday across all of his products. You can find key items like Super Cat Food here as well.
Kenneth Arnold CD and DVD Shop
Kenneth Arnold is a CD and DVD shop. You can’t go inside or purchase anything from here.
Game Parade
Game Parade will allow you to play a variety of different arcade games. These games differ whenever you go, and can help raise your different stats. Regardless of which game you play, the same amount of time will pass. Outside of the arcade is a claw machine that has different collectibles you can get.
The Velvet Room
The Velvet Room can be found in the hallway below the stairs that lead to Mandragora. You can get Requests from Elizabeth, visit Igor in the Velvet Room, or fuse Persona’s here.
Persona 3 Reload is available on PlayStation,