The Alliance has Paladins, and the Horde has Shamans. This class harnesses the power of the elements to deal damage from up close, afar, or heal. Shaman is one of the most versatile classes in the game that just becomes better with the new runes in WoW Classic: Season of Discovery. However, before you can dual-wield weapons or summon healing rain, you need to find them. And, similar to other classes, you’ll need to face powerful foes and explore every corner of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms to find these new skills.
Where To Find All Shaman Runes in WoW Classic: Season of Discovery

For the first time ever, Shamans can become tanks with the right runes. This is something new and exclusive to the latest season that provides a fun new way to play this class. Before doing that, though, you’ll need to get other skills and level up to face the challenges ahead.
Rune | Location |
Dual Wield Specialization | Finish Grizzby’s quests. |
Shield Mastery | Orc and Troll: Loot Galvanic Icon in Durotar and kill 10 enemies with Lightning Bolt. Tauren: Loot Galvanic Icon in Mulgore and kill 10 enemies with Lightning Bolt. |
Overload | All Races: Finish the level 2 quest for your class. |
Healing Rain | Purchase it after reaching the Honored Rank with Durotar Supply and Logistics. |
Ancestral Guidance | Orc and Troll: Find the Adventurer’s Remains in Kolkar Crag and start the ritual with another healer. You must defeat the enemy to obtain the rune. Tauren: Find the Adventurer’s Spirit in Venture Co. Mine and start the ritual with another healer. You must defeat the enemy to obtain the rune. |
Earth Shield | All Races: Defeat Baron Aquanis inside Blackfatom Deeps. Take the orb the Baron drops to Zoram Strand. Complete the new Elemental Distress quest. Complete the Elixir of Insight quest. Finally, defeat Hirzek in Southern Barrens. |
Way of Earth | All Races: Use Purge on a Desert Mirage. You can find them in the Barrens. |
Shamanistic Rage | All Races: Defeat the Primordial Anomaly in Stonetalon Mountains. You must use skills that target the enemy’s elemental weaknesses. |
Water Shield | Found by looting Kolkar’s Booty chests. Tips: Visit our guide to learn how to find and unlock Kolkar Booty chests. |
Lava Burst | All Races: Head to Hillsbrad Foothills and defeat Mudsnout Shamans to obtain a Kajaric Icon. Equip the relic and suffer damage from lava sources. After getting damaged five times, use the icon to obtain the rune. |
Lava Lash | All Races: Complete the Stalk With the Earthmother questline. Head to Thunder Bluff to start it. |
Molten Blast | Orc and Troll: Defeat Frozen Makrura with Fire Spells. Tauren: Defeat 10 enemies with Earth Shock while equipping the Sulfurous Icon. You can obtain it by defeating Dwarves at Bael’dun Digsite. |
One thing we loved about the Shaman runes in WoW Classic: Season of Discovery is how well-themed they are toward the fantasy of this class. From becoming one with lava to using lightning to defeat enemies, these quests are some of the most immersive we’ve seen. Now, we hope the second phase for this season brings even more fun missions and enemies to take on.