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The skills that you give yourself are what really make your experience in Enshrouded. You’re able to choose between 12 different skill trees and fill in any skill slots that you desire. At the end of the day, you’re building the character that fits best with your play style. Each skill tree has a dedicated line of skills and abilities that then deviate to the next skill tree and so on and so forth. Let’s break down each of the skill tree stats in Enshrouded that you can choose from.
All Skill Trees in Enshrouded

In total, there are 12 skill trees that you can pick and choose from when building your character in Enshrouded. As we explained above, you can choose from each of these and aren’t bound to a single skill tree. These twelve trees are categorized by the three biggest components of the game, physical damage, stamina consumption, and mana consumption. As a result, you have access to a whole world of possibilities from creating fast and dexterous barbarians to fire battlemages. These skill trees are:
Skill Trees

The Survivor skill Tree focuses on endurance and increases your stamina as well as other survival skills. By the end of the skill tree, you’ll have several health, mana, and stamina restorations and an extra food slot. Ideally, you’ll want to utilize the skills in this tree as it drastically helps how fast you get from place to place. In our experience, being able to run fast and far is key to staying alive.
Beastmasters have a larger focus on poison resistance and being one with the wild animals that you encounter in Enshrouded. In this skill tree, you’ll come across Beast Master, which will quite literally call upon wild animals within 50 meters to come help fight with you. These same wild animals will also stay pacified unless provoked with the Calm Spirit Skill.
The Ranger goes into bow and arrow territory. Here, your skills will be focused on increasing your overall Endurance, Dexterity, Stamina Recharge, Critical Chance, and Critical Damage. Not only does ranged damage increase on your end, but you’ll also do more damage to ranged enemies with Counter Battery. There is also the Multi-Shot ability that add a 20% chance to spawn a flurry of arrows that spread slightly.
The last of the Stamina skill category, the Assasin skill tree is also on ethat focuses on using arrows. This time, however, your actions start also earning you mana, like Blessed Arrows. With it, you can score a critical hit with a bow and have a chance at regenerating 20 mana. There is also the biggest ability in the skill tree, Shell Shock. This ability infuses your ranged explosives with mana. That way, they can be stunned for up to one second.
How to Save in EnshroudedMana

The Trickster skill tree adds mana officially into the mix. You’ll start making use of abilities like Begone! which gives you a magic-powered punch that pushes and stuns hit foes. Intelligence will also start being rewarded as you progress along the skill tree. In this skill tree, you don’t need to make use of a staff weapon unless you absolutely want to.
The Wizard skill tree gives you the power of staffs. It has one of the longest trees with additions for different types of magic including, electrical, fire, and frost. Fire is the only Wizard stat that provides you with a bit more within the tree. In it, you can unlock Radiant aura which makes all Fell foes within 10 meters take 1 fire damage per intelligence per second.
The Healer skill tree is incredibly beneficial if you’re playing the game with friends. Within it, you will earn a variety of helpful abilities including Blink which replaces the Dodge Roll ability with a short-range teleport. You can also acquire the Martyr ability which, when you’re killed by an enemy, gives all allies within 50 meters 30% of their maximum health.
The Battlemage is the last of the Mana skill category. Within it, you’ll take advantage of wand weapons. There is also a higher magical damage absorption rate as part of the skill tree. You get a higher advantage within the Battlemage skill tree if you combine those skills with the ones in the Tank skill tree. This is one of the few skill trees that isn’t very advantageous on its own. Through the Tank skill tree, you can learn skills like Blood Magic that takes your health and converts it to mana, lowering how much life you have.

The Tank class focuses on melee combat primarily. You’ll be able to build up your physical damage which translates really well into co-op play. One of the abilities that you’re able to earn is called Nemesis. Whenever an ally draws the attention of an enemy, you draw it in equal measure. When playing with others, you attract much more attention, but the damage you deal is so much more with other abilities including Heavy Plates and even Warden which allows you to suffer 15% less magical damage when there are three or more enemies within 20 meters.
Within the Warrior class, you need to be wary of the type of combat you want to deal with. The tree splits three different ways, which categorizes melee damage as blunt, cutting, and piercing. You can, of course, raise all three stats, but it isn’t necessary to get to the biggest skill, Swift. To make the most use of it, you need to be using one-hand swords and axes, but it allows you to attack faster. You’ll also be focusing more on your Constitution and Strength than anything else.
The Barbarian skill tree is far more hard-hitting than the other Strength skill trees. In it, you will be focusing on melee weapons and being able to stun enemies. The strongest ability in the skill tree is Heavy Specialization. It allows you to attack faster with two-handed hammers. You’ll also be focusing on Strength and Constitution throughout each upgrade. Lastly, the second to last skill in the tree is Barbarian. This will give you an extra Strength level for every two levels of your Flame Altar.
The Athlete is the final Strength skill tree in our list. In it, you can quickly acquire the Jump Attack. With it, you can perform a jump attack with a melee weapon which deals 50% more weapon damage in a small blast radius. You can then go on to earn other powerful abilities that provide you with more Stamina and health whenever you attack enemies. Like most other skill trees in the Strength category, this one also focuses on Constitution and Strength.
Central Skills

We’ll call the skills in the center of the Skill tree board the Central Skills. These are ones that aren’t bound to any specific category of skills. Here, you can learn abilities including Sneak Attack which deals massive 10x damage to unaware enemies. You can also get Merciless Attack, which allows you perform said attack to deal massive damage to an enemy that you clearly overpower.
Enshrouded is available now in early access on PC.