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The launch of season 18 saw a massive overhaul of our favorite simulacrum in Apex Legends. Revenant first joined the game in 2020 and has been suffering from a low pick rate ever since! This rework sought to change all that, and it seems to have done the trick. In fact, many fans are now calling for a nerf of the character! Regardless of your stance, it is important to know how he operates. Here is the definitive Apex Legends Revenant Reborn guide.
What Changed With Revenant Reborn?

Revenant Reborn is practically an entirely new character now. The only skill that Revenant has retained after the rework is his ability to climb walls – although even that has now been buffed! He has also been switched from an assault character to a skirmisher, a change that aligns well with his new abilities.
- Passive Ability: Assassin’s Instinct – As previously mentioned, Revenant’s passive ability has remained largely the same. Both his wall climb and crouch walk speeds are intact, though Revenant can now climb horizontally. Enemies will also be highlighted for the entire team if Revenant deals enough damage to them.
- Tactical Ability: Shadow Pounce – This ability launches Revenant through the air in whatever direction the player is facing. The longer the ability is charged, the further the player will travel.
- Ultimate Ability: Forged Shadows – Revenant will create shadows around him that tank up to 75 incoming damage. The shadows recharge with each knockdown or passively as long as Revenant is not taking any damage.
How to Use Shadow Pounce Effectively

Revenant is still just as aggressive as ever, only now with the ability to reposition quicker thanks to his tactical ability. Any time you engage in a fight, keep track of your surroundings and prepare to use your tactical whenever necessary. It is important to have a plan ahead of time so that you don’t end up launching yourself into further danger.
Also, remember that Revenant is extremely vulnerable during his charge-up animation when preparing to launch. Only use his tactical if you have a safe place to take cover beforehand, or you may meet an untimely death. For reference, Shadow Pounce takes about 1.5 seconds to charge fully.
Finally, one tip many players overlook is that Revenant can Shadow Pounce directly into walls and begin climbing. This is perhaps his most useful method of escaping or getting the jump on others, as virtually nobody expects this.
How to Use Forged Shadows Effectively

Forged Shadows is arguably the most powerful new ability in Revenants Reborn’s kit. That extra 75 health goes a long way – especially considering that it recharges upon downing an enemy! While engaging Revenant’s ultimate prior to entering a battle works great, activating it mid-fight is just as viable. This is because it activates immediately, meaning that while the enemy falls back to heal, you have an instantaneous health boost.
Forged Shadows also works wonders if you need to revive a teammate in a pinch. Next time you need to revive a teammate in a risky situation, pop your ultimate first. That extra 75 health can easily be the difference between life and death.
Don’t forget that using Forged Shadows quite literally puts a target on your back. Enemies will be well aware of that extra shield you have, and chances are you will take additional aggro because of that. Because of this, it is important to position yourself accordingly before entering Forged Shadows.
The Best Weapons to Use With Revenant Reborn

Without a doubt, close-range weapons suit Revenant Reborn best. His passive highlights enemies only within 30m, and his tactical closes gaps instantly, meaning shotguns and SMGs will work wonders in his hands!
Each player will have their own preferences, but the peacekeeper is always a solid choice for massive damage output. Similarly, the R-99 just got a rework which has turned it into a beast of a weapon! Don’t be afraid to try different weapons because you never know which one will click with your play style.
Season 18 of Apex Legends also saw the return of disruptor rounds. Check out our explanation of how they work here!