Studio Wildcard has just dropped update 959.7 for Ark Survival Evolved, and here are the patch notes that point out the recent changes. The title’s latest version does not bring major changes to the game; it brings a bug fix that improves the gameplay instead. If you’re having issues in the game, then you should definitely get the latest version. Check out the Ark Survival Evolved 959.7 update patch notes below.
Patch Notes for the Ark Survival Evolved 959.7 Update

v959.7 (959.19 client) – Minor version for clients
- Fixed a crash
As mentioned above, the new Ark Survival Evolved update patch does not offer significant things; it fixes a crash instead. By the way, since the title is regularly being updated, those who missed the previous updates can take a look at their patch notes below.
v959.7 – Minor version for servers
- Fixed multiple exploits
- Fixed a crash
v959.6 – Minor version for servers
- Fixed multiple exploits
- Fixed jetpack consumption rate
- Fixed multiple crashes
v959.5 – Minor version for servers
- Re-added PAX color event
v959.4 – 04/04/2023 – Minor version for clients
- Fixed multiple crashes
v959.4 – 03/28/2023 – Minor version for clients
- Fixed multiple crashes
v959.4 – Minor version for servers
- Fixed an exploit
- Fixed a crash
v959.3 – 03/06/2023 – Major version for servers and clients
- Fixed multiple client crashes
- She Who Waits for Explorer Note Voiceovers
- Fixed poop not going into player hot bars when handcuffed
- Fixes for characters getting stuck when transitioning between different controlled characters using the noglin
- Increase tribe message replication length limit from 200 to 300
- Spectators in admin mode can now see all local chat
- Fix for inconsistent radial wheel selections
- Fix for player names not showing the appropriate team color
Added cheats:
- c – all this does is make it so you don’t have to type out “cheat” completely
- p [index] – This picks and executes a cheat from the PreloadedCheats list
- h [index] – This picks and executes a cheat from your cheat history (most recent 50 cheats)
Update 959.7 for Ark Survival Evolved is available on