Do you want to know all Attack the Old Spaceport Battle Log Locations in Armored Core 6? The latest release of the series has new content to explore, as well as some returning items. There are around 40 missions in the game, and some missions have combat logs. The Attack the Old Spaceport mission is the 23rd mission in the game, which you will encounter during chapter 3. There are three Silver Battle Logs you can collect from this mission. So, without further ado, let’s look at the exact location of these Battle Logs.
Where To Find the Attack the Old Spaceport Combat Log Location

You can collect two Battle Logs from two LC (Light Calvary) enemies on the cliff after crossing the bridge. The Third Battle Log is found with a Shield enemy on the other side of the cliff.
First Battle Log
Once you cross the bridge and get on the small cliff, you will encounter the LC. It is best to clear any other enemies before dealing with this opponent. After eliminating the LC, you will get your first Old Spaceport Battle Log in Armored Core 6.
Second Battle Log
Remember, there is little time between the first and second LC appearing. So make sure to defeat the first one as soon as possible. The second LC is a bit more powerful, but it’s nothing you can’t handle. After defeating the second LC at this location, you will get your second Attack the Old Spaceport Battle Log in Armored Core 6.
Third Battle Log
The third Battle Log is found with a Shield enemy on the other side of the cliff. However, clear the artillery guns on the platforms before facing the Shield enemy, as it will be much easier to fight the Shield enemy without incoming turret fire. Timing is critical since the enemy will block many of your attacks with its shield.
Once you’ve defeated the Shield enemy, you will get your third old Spaceport Battle Log in Armored Core 6. Finding these three Battle Logs is not difficult if you know the correct enemy to look for.
Collecting all three Battle Logs will help you get the most out of Armored Core 6 because they help you grow your rank within the Loghunt program. So, it is crucial to collect them and complete the mission.
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If you still need visual guidance, the video below from Trophygamers will help: