Ezio Auditore da Firenze may be finding his way to PlayStation 4 and

Ezio’s three-part story begins directly after the events of the first Assassin’s Creed, where Desmond Miles has escaped Abstergo, the modern Knights Templar. Desmond then uses the famed Animus to relive the genetic memories of his ancestor, Ezio, who was an assassin during the political and religious turbulence of the Italian Renaissance. If this collection is really happening, it should come as no surprise. This generation is no stranger to remakes, HD Collections, and reboots, and with Ezio’s trilogy arguably being some of the most popular games in the series, it is a wonder this has not happened sooner.
There is always the possibility that this listing could be false, of course. Until Ubisoft comes out to declare otherwise, we should prepare our wallets until further notice. We have had Assassin’s Creed games released like clockwork, with one coming out every fall since 2009. By this point, we have come to expect this from Ubisoft. Therefore, it was odd (or possibly a huge relief) that a new addition to the franchise was not announced shortly after Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate (2015). While Ubisoft has stated there will not be a new Assassin’s Creed game this year, they said nothing about dusting off the old ones and making them shiny again. This could be a good thing for the developers, as putting out a collection will give them time to work on whatever is coming next for the series.