Unexpected encounters are common throughout your adventure in Baldur’s Gate 3. For instance, early in the game, you can discover a small cavern on the east side of Blighted Village at the coordinates X: 86, Y: 448. Inside, you will run into two fearsome yet docile creatures within the cavern — an Owlbear and its Cub. This Owlbear Nest is also home to some rarities, including an Owlbear Egg. However, once you obtain the egg, it isn’t clear what you should do with it.
How To Use the Owlbear Egg in BG3

We assumed we could somehow hatch the egg to get an Owlbear Cub as a pet in Baldurs Gate 3. However, this is not the case. The egg’s use is comprised of three primary options:
- Give the egg to Lady Esther to complete the “Steal a Githyanki Egg” quest. Do note that this quest requires successful skill checks to convince Lady Esther.
- The Owlbear Egg can be used as Camp Supplies. This is the least ideal option.
- You can sell the Owlbear Egg for 750 Gold, a decent earning for the early game.
Lady Esther will give you 270 Gold for her quest, which is definitely a disappointing reward compared to the gain of selling it. That’s why we recommend you sell it to a vendor, kill them to get the egg back, and then sell it again for even more money. Of course, this villainous act will cost the lives of several NPCs, but at least it’s profitable, making it the best way to use the Owlbear Egg in BG3.
On the other hand, if you’re still interested in getting the Owlbear Cub as a pet, simply spare it after defeating the Owlbear in its nest. Goblins will take the Cub to their camp, after which you can rescue it and gain its trust. Eventually, it will become your pet, like Scratch.