A community administrator on the WB Games forum recently posted an announcement regarding the first “fix” patch for the PC version of Batman: Arkham Knight. According to the post, which you can find here, the first major patch is going into testing right now and will hopefully be ready for release in a few weeks. This means that WB’s initial estimate of when the PC version of the game would receive a fix appears like it will not happen (they had originally said by the end of August). In the forum post, WB announced the following upgrades are a part of the patch:
- Reduced frame rate hitches
- Optimized system memory and VRAM usage
- Improved performance on all GPUs (requires the latest drivers)
o Min Spec AMD GPU is once again the Radeon HD 7870 2GB
- More Robust In-Game Settings, including:
o Added the ability to change settings for Max FPS to 30/60/90
o Added toggles for Motion Blur, Chromatic Aberration, and Film Grain
o Added a “High” Texture Resolution value
o Added Texture Filtering option
o Added an Adaptive V-Sync option (NVIDIA only)
o Added VRAM Usage Meter
o Added Mouse Sensitivity Slider & Mouse Smoothing Option
- Fixed low resolution texture bugs
- Fixed hitches when running on mechanical hard drives (HDD)
While our first priority is fixing the issues listed above, the team is continuing to work on the following:
- Skipping the boot up splash screens
- DLC/Season Pass content
- Additional updates such as Photo Mode

Although it is a good thing that WB is getting a fix out there, it is unlikely that this will be enough to calm down the bad blood they managed to build up in their customer base. The PC port and release was one of the worst we have seen, with a fixed framerate, constant graphical glitches, buggy textures, and outrageous system requirements. It was made even worse when, a few weeks after Batman: Arkham Knight‘s release, it was revealed that Warner Bros. knew how terrible the PC port was and released it anyway, figuring it was “good enough.” Even top of the line PCs cannot run the Batman: Arkham Knight as well as the console counterparts. The response was so bad that WB eventually pulled the PC game from sale altogether. We will see if this patch, when it releases, is enough to get the game rereleased and hopefully help it run to its potential.
Ready for a patch fix to the PC version of Batman: Arkham Knight? Or have you given up on Rocksteady’s final foray into Gotham? Let us know.