Update 4.2.1 for Battlefield 2042 has arrived, and here are all the changes and improvements mentioned in the patch notes. This update brings improvements to some map spawn locations, resolves some visual bugs, makes some adjustments to customization and gameplay, and brings balance changes to both vehicles and weapons. As Battlefield 2042 gets updated, EA is dropping support for older Battlefield games. Here is the complete list of patch notes for update 4.2.1 for Battlefield 2042:

Battlefield 2042 Update 4.2.1 Patch Notes
- Players will no longer spawn out of bounds on Capture Points D1 and D2 on Discarded
- Resolved an issue that resulted in an unintended visual effect being placed on weapons when standing in heat sources/explosions of vehicles
Collection & Customization Improvements
- Resolved an issue that displayed incorrect attachment stats for ammo and rate of fire fields when equipped into the first slot of the Plus Menu
- Resolved an issue that sometimes displayed the incorrect attachment upon selection within the Plus Menu customization screen
- Resolved an issue that resulted in the “Replace” button overlapping the Class text on the Classes customization screen
- Resolved an issue where equipping a melee takedown for a 2042 Specialist would also equip it for the other Specialists of the same class
Gameplay Improvements
- Resolved an issue that resulted in the camera being pulled down too significantly upon landing while aimed down sights
- Air-to-Ground Missiles will now deal higher damage when fired at a laser-designated target
- Resolved an issue where players would sometimes count as occluded when standing in front of smoke
- The vehicle cooldown timer on the deploy screen will now countdown in real time
End of Round
- Resolved an issue that resulted in Marksman Kill stats being incorrectly calculated at the End of Round screen
Battlefield Portal
- Custom Experiences will now correctly gray out characters if they have been restricted as part of the construction of the mode
- Resolved an issue that caused a broken recoil animation when firing the MTAR-21 on PlayStation® 4 and
Xbox One consoles
- LCAA Hovercraft engine damage will now correctly display a damage indicator Explosive damage will now be applied toward Transport Helicopters, alongside the impact damage of the projectile
- Resolved an issue that resulted in Dozer having the ability to skywalk when climbing down ladders. It’s not that type of game!
- Resolved a visual issue where grenades sometimes clipped through Dozer’s shield
- Rao’s Cyber Warfare Suite will now transmit designated lock-on targets to friendly vehicles
For more information on future updates and patch notes, keep it locked on The Nerd Stash. We have patch notes on other popular games, like Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem and Hogwarts Legacy.
Update 4.2.1 for Battlefield 2042 is available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4,