At this point, everyone knows Immortals of Aveum is a single-player FPS that moves away from guns and instead brings Sigils. These items act differently depending on the type of magic they possess. Given how the game has three types of magic that bring different gameplay styles, it is normal to look for the best one to take down the game’s most challenging foes. Whether you’re new to the genre or a veteran, here we’ve prepared a list of the best 5 Sigils in Immortals of Aveum you can grab to beat all enemies with some flashy spell strikes.
Immortals of Aveum: The Best 5 Sigils in the Game

Finding the best Sigils in Immortals of Aveum will take time, and some won’t show up until the end of the game, but trust us, you’ll need them for the optional content, which is quite challenging. Before we start with the ranking, we need to warn you we might talk about one or two Sigils that contain spoilers, so you’ve been warned. Without further ado, let’s get this ranking started.
5. Radiant Stormshards – Green

The Radiant Stormshards Sigil is perfect for those who like wielding machine guns in other FPS games. This Sigil boasts a high fire rate and a considerable clip size. While it isn’t the best regarding damage output, it is one of the most accurate green Sigils in the game. Plus, upgrading it won’t cost much since it’s of Epic rarity. Even if some players prefer equipping a Triarch Sigil for the green slot, we recommend sticking to this one and leaving the Triarch ones for other types of magic.
4. Balemore – Blue

Balemore is a legendary Sigil that you’ll get in the final chapters. This is one of our favorites as it has a better clip size than other Blue Sigils and has a huge damage output. Plus, its firing rate is fast, so you’ll take down enemies in no time. Given how many Blue Mages cast shields to protect themselves, using this Sigil with Critical Rate talents will let you burn those shields in seconds. The only downside of this is that you need good aim if you want to defeat foes faster. If you’re new to the genre, switching to another type of magic might be better, but if not, you can go wild with Balemore.
3. Morbane’s Fire – Red

Named after the Rashan Magni who wields it, Morbane’s Fire is one of the best Red Sigils in Immortals of Aveum. You’ll get this after a big boss fight in one of the game’s final chapters. The fight can be difficult as Morbane likes to do long and short-range attacks. The latter are dangerous and can chip away a good chunk of your health. The silver lining is that once you obtain his weapon, you can do the same against enemies. With a clip size of one, which can be a downside, this is one of the best Sigils thanks to its DPS numbers; remember to use it close to a group of enemies to blast them away in one hit.
2. Triarch’s Wrath – Triarch (Attuned to Red)

It might be a bit controversial to put one of the Deluxe Edition items on the list, but this Sigil can’t be overlooked. Being capable of attuning to any of the three types of magic, this Sigil is as versatile as it is deadly. Here, we equipped it on our Red Magic slot because it offers a shotgun-like effect with a clip size of three. This Sigil is great if you want to fight close to enemies and want to take them out with melee hits as well. It has a fast firing rate, and the reloading speed is fast, meaning you won’t be waiting much before you take your next shot.
1. Centanus – Triarch (Attuned to Green)

The best Sigil in Immortals of Aveum is Centanus, which isn’t a surprise since it’s the one you get for beating the game. After the final fight, you can claim the villain’s Sigil, which also attunes to any of the three magic types. Here, we recommend attuning it to Green as it works like a machine gun with more accuracy and damage; plus, the clip size is quite good, and you won’t need to often reload when fighting. Upgrading it will increase the weapon’s stats, making it the best to clear everything the game has after beating the story.
Again, this is our personal list of the best Sigils in Immortals of Aveum. While these are our favorites, there are many more in-game you can find to customize your playthrough. You can get most of them while doing the main campaign, but others, like the craftable ones, are also great and have fun firing modes. So, don’t be afraid to experiment with all Sigils when exploring the lands of Aveum.
Immortals of Aveum is available now on PS5,